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Reply from Jokowi after Puan asked for a “hot” with the PDIP elite to finish

Reply from Jokowi after Puan asked for a “hot” with the PDIP elite to finish




7th President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) Answers the president of the DPP Pdip Mrs. Whoever asks for his “hot” situation with PDIP to finish. What does Jokowi say?

Puan first responded to the PDIP relationship with Jokowi. Puan implicitly asked that things that divide the nation be completed, especially in this Ramadan.

“So have things that only do us separate, have the things that make us fight with things that then prejudice us. Moreover


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Puan stressed that there are still many national problems that must be overcome together. According to him, no party can build the nation without cooperation with other parties.

“We still have a lot of problems with the nation and the state, we both have to pay particular attention to the way we build the nation and the state together,” said Puan.

“This nation that we must get up, we cannot be alone, this nation should do.

Asked how the latest PDIP and Jokowi relations, Puan did not respond clearly. He only asked all the parties of self-inspection.

“Yes, we are certainly imperfectly human beings, we must all have a past, but we remember that the construction of the nation cannot be alone. We must all have all the mistakes, but we must also intros to that what in the future for this nation with global problems and problems that are not easy to solve,” said Puan.

Response from Jokowi

Jokowi was asked if it was possible that he was Allah or had made peace with Pdip. Jokowi then asked who started who had started.

“Who started who,” said Jokowi at his home in Banjarsari, solo, Thursday 3/20/2025).

Jokowi then stressed that there was no problem between him and PDIP.

“We have nothing. (Is there no problem with PDIP?) There is no problem,” he said.

Pdip vs jokowi

PDI Perjuangan (PDIP) held a national working meeting in 2023 (Rakernas) at the Pdip Party School, South Jakarta, Tuesday (6/6/2023). President Jokowi and the president of the PDIP, Megawati Soekarnoputri, looked gay during a press conference session.

Jokowi-Mega's joyful laugh at Pdip Rakernas (Photo: Rifkianto Nugroho)

We know that this quarrel began with the declaration of the President of the PDIP DPP Deddy Sitorus that on December 14, 2024, there was a delegation asking the secretary general Hasto Kristiento to resign from his post. Not only that, the messenger asked PDIP not to dismiss Jokowi.

“It should be noted that around December 14, there is a messenger who met us who told us that the secretary general had to resign and then asked not to dismiss Jokowi and revealed that there were about 9 people from the PDIP Perjuangan who were targeted by the police and the KPK,” said Deddy Sitorus on Wednesday (12/3).

Not remaining silent, Jokowi also responded to the accusation. He asked Pdip to prove who the messenger was.

“There is no (messenger), so who should be mentioned, so it's clear. Who?” Jokowi firmly met at his home, Sumber, Banjarsari, Friday (3/14). Jokowi answered the question of PDIP who said that there was a messenger who came to ask Hasto to resign and that Jokowi had not been dismissed.

Jokowi said he had no interest in ordering the messenger to come to Pdip and ask him that he is not dismissed.

“What interests should I send for this interest. Try to connect,” he said.

Jokowi even admitted that he had chosen silence when he was slandered. The former PDIP frame then reminded its patience that there was a limit.

“I was locked up, you know.

Peace opportunities Jokowi vs pdip

The executive director of the Indonesian Political Parameter (PPI), Adi Prayitno, said that Puan's remarks have requested that the quarrel be facilitated to strengthen the allegations according to which there were two arcs in PDIP linked to the attitude of Jokowi. The first group, he said, was hard and confronted with Jokowi represented by the secretary general of the PDIP Hasto Kristiento, president of the executive election of the PDIP Deddy Sitorus, to the politician of PDIP Gunur Romli.

“At the same time, there was the second school, as Puan Maharani shows. It looks quite sweet, completely accommodating and tends to suppose what happened between PDIP and Jokowi is the past, it is not necessary to be extended and confronted,” told journalists on Tuesday (3/18/2025).

ADI said the two PDIP camps have made the political attitude of PDIP often hesitant. The PDIP is considered to have two different and represented faces of the existence of the two groups.

“In addition to the PDIP political attitude which is considered to be divided, but still in a political institution, the political position, PDIP is still taken into account by the current government,” said ADI.

ADI also alluded to Jokowi and PDIP's opportunity for reconciliation. According to him, the chances of Islah Politics Jokowi and PDIP are still very small.

“For Puan, political events with Jokowi are the past, there is no need to be extended. But for Islah, it is quite difficult because it seems very visible to PDIP political pain, the effect of being abandoned by Jokowi has not been completed and is difficult to eliminate,” said Adi.

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