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On tour Kennedy Center, Trump thought about his childhood aptitude for music

On tour Kennedy Center, Trump thought about his childhood aptitude for music



During his first visit to the Kennedy Center since he made the chairman of his board of directors, President Trump had a lot to say on Broadway shows, the dancers in the silk tights, the Potomac and Elvis Presley river.

But in a private discussion at the start of a meeting of the Centers' board of directors on Monday, Trump offered something he generally moves away in more important contexts: a personal anecdote on his childhood.

He declared to the members gathered of the Board of Directors that in his youth, he had shown special capacity to music after having passed aptitude tests ordered by his parents, according to three participants in the meeting.

He could choose notes on the piano, he told members of the board of directors, some of whom have known for years and others who are relatively new to him. But the president said that his father, Fred Trump, was not satisfied with his musical capacities, according to the participants, and that he had never developed his talent. A person in the room said Trump seemed to joke about his father.

I have a high aptitude for music, he said at some point, according to people from Reunion. Can you believe this?

This is why I like music, he added.

Mr. Trumps' remarks have not been reported before. They were not part of an audio recording of the meeting of the board of directors obtained by the New York Times earlier this week.

But they are a story that he told in private, according to a person knowing the comments, over a period of his life before his parents sent him to the New York Military Academy at the age of 13.

The anecdote surprised some people in the room.

Singer Country Lee Greenwood, known for God injuries in the United States, confirmed in an interview that Trump had wanted to highlight his childhood with music at the meeting on Monday. Mr. Greenwood, who was appointed to the board of directors of Kennedy Centers by Mr. Trump, produced a version of the Bible with the president. He said that the two had already discussed the capacities of the presidents.

He is absolutely very creative and very artistic, said Greenwood. I have no doubt that he has a big ear for music.

Asked about the anecdote, Steven Cheung, director of communications for the White House, did not say directly, but said that the president is a virtuoso and that his musical choices represent a brilliant palette of vibrant colors when others often paint in pale pastels. Mr. Cheung said that, taking into account the roles of Mr. Trumps as president and president of Kennedy Center, there is no more only qualified to bring this country back, and his rich history of the arts, in an important way.

Trump has long shown an interest in music and theater, and he once dreamed of becoming a Broadway producer. At the meeting on Monday, he questioned the members of the board of directors on which was the best: the ghost of the opera or the miserable. He remembered attending the first cats of Andrew Lloyd Webbers in the early 1980s. And he talked about his love for singers like Broadway Star Betty Buckley and musicals like Hello, Dolly! and Fiddler on the roof.

So many major shows, he said at some point, according to the recording. So many major shows.

Trump moved to oust the chairman of the board of directors of Kennedy Centers, the financier David Mr. Rubenstein, and all the members of the board of directors appointed by the Biden administration last month. He had told the Allies for weeks that he wanted to direct the Kennedy Center, which he sometimes called badly Lincoln Center, the first place in his hometown, New York.

Mr. Trump denied the current successful musical Hamilton when he visited the center on Monday; Its producers canceled a scheduled visit to Kennedy Center next year to protest against his takeover from the institution, which had been bipartisan for decades. Other artists have also canceled commitments there.

The Kennedy Center welcomed and granted honors to artists who criticized Mr. Trumps's behavior as president, a fact that he and his advisers often mention.

Trumps desire to influence programming in one of the main American art centers did not surprise some of his oldest collaborators.

Trump spends hours working on the reading lists for his gatherings and exploding music on an iPad in his clubs because he acts personally as a jockey record. Some artists asked him several times to stop using their music.

During his first mandate, Mr. Trumps' advisers often found that music was a way to calm him when he was furious. In his planes, his private known as Trump Force One, and on the presidential plane, Air Force One, Trump often explodes the music so strong that she pulled through the cabin.

During a town hall event in Pennsylvania in October, after two participants needed medical care, Trump amazed some of his collaborators on break the event and playing his music team for more than half an hour. Mr. Trump stood on stage swinging and dancing while music was playing.

During an end -of -day meeting with aid on a review of his reading list at the first mandate, Trump made Spotify pass in search of Tommy songs, the Whos Rock Opera, for more than an hour in search of a specific song which he thought he was remember. Aids could not find it.




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