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TRT Global – The rights refused to the Kurds of Syria in the Assad diet must be restored Turkish FM Fidan

TRT Global – The rights refused to the Kurds of Syria in the Assad diet must be restored Turkish FM Fidan



Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan stressed the need to restore the rights of the Syrian Kurdish population, highlighting citizenship, cultural and political equality as an essential stages.

Speaking during an Iftar event with journalists on Wednesday, Fidan also discussed the position of Trkiyes on the recent agreement between Ahmed Alsharaa in Syria and the homeless, which is dominated by YPG, the Syrian branch of the PKK terrorist group, declaring that Ankara remains cautious and will closely monitor the developments.

We will observe the short -term process without losing control, said Fidan, reporting concerns by Trkiyes concerning the implications of such an agreement.


TRT Global – Turkish senior officials meet Alsharaa in Syria in Damascus

TRT Global – Reunion lasted around 3 hours and bilateral relations and regional developments were discussed.

Call for action on the Israeli presence in Syria

Fidan has urged Damascus to prioritize the abolition of Israeli forces from Syrian territory, stressing that the Syrian government should take charge of this process in coordination with the international community.

Israel has carried out frequent air strikes in Syria, often targeting several positions, while maintaining a long -standing occupation of the Golan Heights since 1967.

Cooperation against terrorism is intensifying

Fidan revealed that five countries met in Jordan to establish a joint center of operations and intelligence against the terrorist organization of Daesh.

He noted that technical teams are actively working on the training of the center, reflecting regional efforts to improve cooperation against terrorism.

Trkiye-Us Links and War Diplomacy of Ukraine

Discussing Trkiyes' relations with the United States, Fidan has described a recent call between Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and US President Donald Trump as very positive, highlighting the respect of the trumps for Erdogan.

Regarding the current war of Russia-Ukraine, Fidan said that Trkiye was open to contribute to a potential peacekeeping force if the parties agree to establish one in a future phase of negotiations. Trkiye played a key role in mediation efforts between Moscow and kyiv, previously facilitating the exchanges of black sea grains now suspended.

As the dynamics of regional security are evolving, Ankara continues to position himself as a crucial player in diplomatic efforts, security and peacekeeping in Syria, Ukraine and the Middle East in general.




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