Trump signs an executive decree aimed at closing the education department

Earlier in the day, the press secretary of the White House recognized that the agency would not be entirely abolished. But it will become “much smaller,” she said.
Trump signs an executive order to dismantle the education department
The White House indicates that the order will not completely dissolve the Department of Education, but that it will become “much smaller”.
Washington President Donald Trump ordered his administration on Thursday to dismantle the Ministry of Education, seeking to make a promise of a leading campaign even if the White House recognized that the agency could not and will not be completely dissolved.
Flanked by more than a dozen students sitting in the school offices, Trump signed the executive decree long expected during a ceremony in the east room of the White House attended by several republican governors and state education commissioners.
“Should I do this?” Trump asked the children while he was taking a desk with the presidential seal. Children hosted their heads with approval and signed similar files with printed text while Trump has signed the official document.
“We are going to eliminate it, and everyone knows it is true,” said Trump, promising to get rid of the agency “once and for all”.
Trump ordered his education secretary, Linda McMahon, to take “all the measures necessary to facilitate the closure of the Ministry of Education and the return of the States Education Authority”, according to a summary of the White House of the Order, which has been underway for weeks.
However, the immediate impact of the order is not clear because only the congress can eliminate a federal agency. In addition, the federal government does not define the school program. It has long been the field of local academic states and districts.
“Democrats know that it is true, and I hope they will vote for that, because ultimately it can be before them,” Trump told hundreds of supporters gathered for the signing.
“Uninterrupted delivery of services”
The order calls on the ministry to close and simultaneously maintain an “uninterrupted service of services, programs and advantages on which the Americans count”.
Trump said that the Federal Title I Funds for Schools in Haute Pause regions, financing for disabled students, Pell subsidies and student loans will be “fully preserved” and still administered by the ministry. Federal education programs such as title I are fixed by the congress and would require approval from the congress to modify.
But beyond these main necessities, my administration will take all legal measures to close the department. We will stop and stop it as quickly as possible, “he said.
Earlier in the day, the press secretary of the White House, Karoline Leavitt, told journalists that the Department of Education, created by the Congress in 1979 during the Carter administration, would not be abolished under the order of Trump but would end up becoming much smaller than it is today. “”
The programs and activities receiving “any remaining funding from the Ministry of Education” will not be allowed to promote diversity, equity and inclusion or “gender ideology”, said the White House.
The endowment in two
Trump’s directive comes after the Department of Education sent more than 1,300 employee dismissal notices last week as a large -scale “strength reductions” through the federal government led by the Ministry of Efficiency of the Administration of the Administration of the Administration, under the direction of the Elon Musk billionaire technology entrepreneur.
Between cuts and voluntary buyouts, the Trump administration reduced the department's workforce in two by more than 4,000 employees to around 2,000 workers since the president's second term.
“We are going to turn back, very simply, in the United States, where it belongs,” said Trump.
Republicans have long accused the federal government of having too much influence on local and state education policy. Trump told journalists last month that he hoped that McMahon would be “out of a job”.
Although the United States ranks near the Summit of Student Financing worldwide, Trump said that it ranks too low in education in relation to other countries, including the China Rival chief.
“These are two statistics you don't want: the most money spent per student, and you are at the bottom of the list,” he said. “And this is where we are like that or not and we have been there for a long time.”
Trump falsely said that the United States ranked first in the spending and the last of students' success, according to most of the analyzes.
Trump and other Republicans have often relied on data from the research branch of the Department of Education, a branch that the administration reduced to skeletal staff. The elimination of the office has raised questions about how civil servants will follow academic progress after reducing the department's workforce by Trump.
Expansion of the presidential authority
Trump's order has set up a new test for the limits of the presidential authority after a federal district judge of Maryland blocked the efforts of its administration this week to close the American agency for international development.
Congress Democrats castigated what they characterized as a clearly illegal decision by Trump, and teachers' unions promised to continue to prevent the administration from finishing the department.
Randi Weingarten, president of the American teachers' federation, responded succinctly to Trump's plan to sign the order.
“See you soon in court,” she said in a statement on Wednesday
The American senator Patty Murray, D-Wash., A better funding creator, said in a statement that Trump was taking a “detraction ball” at the agency despite knowing “perfectly well that he could not abolish the Ministry of Education without Congress”.
Mixed reactions to Trump to dismantle the Department of Education
Residents of Columbia, Missouri and New York reacted to the executive decree of President Donald Trump aimed at dissolving the education department.
“But he understands that if you dismiss all the staff and break them into pieces, you could get a similar and devastating result,” she said.
The defenders of student loans have issued similar criticism.
Let's be clear: there is no decree that the president can sign to legally eliminate the Ministry of Education, “said Aaron, president of the National Student Legal Defense Network.” Linda McMahon recognized him herself. The real effect of this decree will be even more difficulties and confusion for students and families. “”
Make Joey Garrison on x @joeygarrison and Zachary Schermele @zachschermele.
Sources 2/ https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2025/03/20/trump-signs-executive-order-eliminate-education-department/82569220007/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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