The three main social media accounts PTI disturbing belong to Imran

An image not dated to the founder of PTI, Imran Khan. AFP / File
Islamabad: The three main official social media accounts verified by Ptis – Imrankhan, Tehreek -e -insaf and Ptiofficial – belong to the president of the Imran Khan Founding Party and are currently run from abroad on the instruction of Khans, sister Aleema Khan.
The official survey on PTIS social media platforms – which would have been used to target the army, the head of the army Asim Munnir and for certain aggressive campaigns – shows that these accounts are managed abroad by people appointed by Imran Khan, who had created these accounts.
In the case of a criminal procedure on the basis of the probe governments, there would be direct implications for Imran Khan, because these accounts would be to share the anti-armed and antlers that belongs to it.
Sources have said that not only Imran Khan himself confirmed it to the FIA in the past, but on some of the PTI leaders, who are currently questioned by a JIT led by the IG Islamabad police, also shared the same information. Except Imran Khan and Aleema Khan, no party leader, including the president of the PTI, lawyer Gohar, secretary general Suleman Akram Raja and even the parties secretary, Shaikh Waqas Akram.
These sources allegedly alleged that Jibran Ilyas and Azhar Mashwani exploit the social media accounts of Imran Khan from abroad. Jibran Ilyas, who lives in the United States, is said to be the leader of the Ptis social media team. Jibran Ilyas would also be in contact with various V Loggers and social media activists. Azhar Mashwani, who was in Pakistan, would have left for the United Kingdom after the authorities' repression after 9 years against the PTI.
It is alleged that LEEEMA KHAN feeds the official social media of the parties on the instruction of Imran Khan. Aleema Khan would be in regular contact with Jibran Ilyas, Azhar Mashwani and an Ali Malik for the narrative building of the parties, the social media campaigns and other posts, some of which are considered by the government and the establishment as anti-army and anti-Pakistan. It is said that Aleema Khan is also in contact with certain Youtubers, currently abroad.
Ptis' social media was on the Radar authorities because of its alleged anti-state and anti-armed content. Some probes have been carried out before, while Jit led by the IG Islamabad police was recently created to probe malicious campaigns on social networks.
According to the media, the JIT issued opinions to 15 members of the former part in power. Some of them appeared before the JIT while several others have not yet responded to the opinions of jits.
Among those summoned by the JIT, there were Pti President Barrist Gohar Ali Khan, Hammad Azhar, Salman Akram Raja, Raoof Hasan, Asad Qaiser, Aun Abbas and Waqas Akram. Others include First Shamim Naqvi, Khalid Khurshid Khan, Aliya Hamza, Kanwal Shauzab, Taimoor Saleem Khan, Shah Farman, Shehbaz Shaabbir and Muhan Muhammad Alam. The JIT had also invited 10 members of the Ptis social media team, including Aif Rasheed, Muhammad Arshad, Sibghanlah Warq, Azhar Maswani, Muhammad Nauman AFZAL, Jibran Ilyas, Syed Salman Raza Zaidi, Zulfi Bukhari, Moosa Warq and Ali Husnain Malik.
Sources 2/ https://www.thenews.com.pk/print/1293712-all-three-leading-troubling-pti-social-media-accounts-belong-to-imran The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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