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Funds related to a case of an expenditure Imran Khan for a new university

Funds related to a case of an expenditure Imran Khan for a new university



What to do with 190 million people recovered in a money laundering case that led to the imprisonment of a former Prime Minister? For Pakistan, the answer is to create a new university, angering criticism concerned about the current state of the higher education sector in the current state.

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif announced the development of Daanish University in Islamabad, using species returned to the country by the UKS National Crime Agency, which was used as key evidence in a case that saw the former Prime Minister Imran Khan imprisoned for corruption.

The source of funding is complex. In 2019, the British authorities seized 190 million assets following an investigation into dirty money allegations surrounding the Pakistani property magnate Malik Riaz Hussain.

The money was returned to Pakistan later that year when Khan was Prime Minister. In 2023, the Pakistani authorities accused Khan of having managed the funds badly, alleging that he had concluded an agreement with Riaz who saw their Arron in place to pay the fines of the Tycoon court in exchange for a land donation by Riaz to Khan to allow the latter to create his own university.


In January 2025, Khan was sentenced to 14 years in prison for accusations of corruption and the assertion that the land received was an accusation of bribe that Khan and his wife continue to challenge.

This left the question of what to make money, which was returned to the federal government. Instead of absorbing him to the Treasury funds, the Prime Minister decided that there will be a university after all his own design.


The Punjab already houses a network of Daanish schools The name from the word Ourdou for the knowledge created by Shehbaz when it was Minister -in -Chief of the Region. These are free and aim to serve children from poor and marginalized environments.

The new Danish University The first of its kind will receive autonomy to ensure that it is not hampered by the government's interference, said Shehbaz. The money has also been reserved to offer scholarships to the poorest students, with plans for the university to be funded by tuition fees paid by richer students in the future.

The institution will even compete with renowned world universities such as Oxford and Harvard, the Prime Minister told local journalists.

For some, investment in higher education is welcome. Historically, the funds recovered from corruption and financial crimes often lacked transparency in their use, said Maleeha Ashraf, honorary postdoctoral scholarship holder at the University College Londons of Education. By directing this substantial amount to higher education, the government establishes a precedent to ensure that the finances recovered benefits the company in general.


However, the news occurs while existing Pakistanian public universities are faced with a funding deficit, which has led a lot to increase their tuition fees.

This is a classic government approach does not repair anything, because it is difficult and not as glamorous as to establish new institutions and finance PET brand projects, said Ayesha Razzaque, researcher in higher education policy based in Pakistan.

There are a lot of problems with which the public higher education sector faces both financial and non -financial. If the government was really serious, they would take measures to solve at least some of the difficult problems.

There are also questions about the sustainability of the proposed institution. The new university will operate as long as money continues to flow, said Razzaque. You cannot expect a university to work in isolation of the ecosystem that surrounds it. There is nothing changing in this ecosystem.


For Ashraf, however, funding will provide an essential boost to the sector by offering a new model of excellence in higher education.




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