The United States will be `Undesputed Bitcoin Superpower, 'World Crypto Capital' ', according to Trump

President Donald Trump pronounced a pre -recorded address at Digital Assets Summit in New York in which he explained how his administration ended the regulatory war of former president Joe Biden against crypto and bitcoin ''.
President Donald Trump has promised to make America “undisputed bitcoin superpowers and the global crypto capital” in the remarks of the digital blockworks assets Summit on Thursday.
A Trump's pre -recorded video address was played at the top in New York. The president said that his team put an end to the “regulatory war of former president Joe Biden on the administration of crypto and bitcoin”, and Trump said that he had called the congress “to adopt historical legislation creating simple and common sense rules for stablecoins and market structure”.
“With the right legal framework, large and small institutions will be freed from investing, innovating and participating in one of the most exciting technological revolutions in modern history. It is so big. It is, I think, as large as possible,” said Trump.
The president has declared to those who present that “pioneers as you can improve our banking and payment system and promote greater confidentiality, security, security and wealth for consumers and American companies”. “You will trigger an explosion in economic growth, and with the stables -coated in dollars, you will help you extend the domination of the US dollar,” said Trump. “And many, many years to come, it will be at the top. And that's where we want to keep it. We only want to keep it at the top.”
Trump creates a strategic bitcoin reserve, other cryptocurrencies to use in stock
President Donald Trump smiles at the top of the White House digital active ingredients in the state dining room in Washington, DC, March 7 (Chris Kleponis / CNP / Bloomberg via Getty Images / Getty Images)
“I can already see that the energy and passion of the community of cryptography are the kind of spirit that has built our country, and it is exciting to look at that you invent the future of finance,” said Trump. “And here it will be here in the United States, the good United States. Together, we will make America the undisputed bitcoin superpower and the cryptographic world capital.”
“Thank you and good luck. May God bless America,” he concluded.
Trump started his speech by saying that it was an honor to speak of “how the United States will dominate the crypto and the next generation of financial technologies”.
From left to right: the trade secretary Howard Lutnick, the Treasury Secretary Scott Bessent, President Donald Trump and the artificial intelligence of the White House and the Tsar Crypto David Sacks appear at the top of the digital assets of the White House in the state dining room (Chris Kleponis / CNP / Bloomberg via Getty Images)
“It will not be easy, but we are well in advance,” said the president.
Two weeks ago, as Trump recalled, his administration welcomed the very first summit of digital assets in the White House. The event brought together the artificial intelligence of the White House and the Cryptographic Tsar David Sacks, which Trump described as a “fantastic and very brilliant guy”, and many best leaders in world cryptography for a discussion on the future of industry.
This same week, Trump said that he had signed an order “creating the brand new Bitcoin strategic reserve and American digital assets, which will allow the federal government to maximize the value of its assets instead of selling them stupidly for a fraction of their long -term value, which is exactly what Biden did.”
“He obtained a fraction of their value,” said Trump.
The documents showing that the administrator of Biden called on the banks to “take a break” any cryptographic activity confirms the suspicions of “defrosting”
The bags at the time compared the Bitcoin reserve to “a digital fort Knox for cryptocurrency often called” digital gold “.
The president said that the action of his administration included the “Operation without ChokePoint 2.0 law”.
“Operation Choke Point went beyond the regulations, and I mean far beyond. It was a form of writing thanks to government's armaments. Frankly, it was a shame,” said Trump.
The Treasury Secretary Scott Bessent and President Donald Trump are looking at the Summit of White House digital assets in the state dining room in Washington, DC, March 7 (Anna Moneymaker / Getty Images / Getty Images)
“But on January 20, 2025, all of this is over,” said Trump.
The president referred to the way in which Paul Grewal, the legal director of Coinbase, considered one of the largest cryptocurrency exchange platforms, shared documents in December that he and his team had obtained after the requests of the Freedom of Information Act.
They have in parallel with an prolonged legal battle between the company and the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC).
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The documents discovered would have confirmed the suspicions that the founders of cryptocurrency technology were “deba-destined” as part of a program known colloquially under the name of “Operation Chokepoint 2.0”. They showed that the FDIC of the Biden administration sent many letters to the banks, calling them to “suspend any activity related to the assets of the crypto”.
Alec Schemmel of Fox News Digital contributed to this report.
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