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Tulsi Gabbard's visit to India highlights a solid relationship reinforced by Prime Minister Modi and President Trump: United States

Tulsi Gabbard's visit to India highlights a solid relationship reinforced by Prime Minister Modi and President Trump: United States



Years |
March 21, 2025 10:07 am EAST

Washington DC [US]March 21 (Ani): The American National Intelligence Director (DNI) The visit of Tulsi Gabbard in India highlighted decades, a strong relationship of India-US reinforced by the friendship of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and President Donald Trump, read of the DNI office.
Dni Gabbard recently visited India during its multi-nation trip to the Indo-Pacific region. During her visit, she made several bilateral commitments, notably with Prime Minister Modi, the Minister of Defense Rajnath Singh and the NSA Ajit Doval. She also attended the Risa dialogue held in New Delhi.
Gabbard meetings in India focus on sharing intelligence, defense, the fight against terrorism and transnational threats, the statement said.
During his remarks in the Dialogue Raisina, Gabbard underlined the collective effort to head towards the objectives of President Trump of a peaceful, free, safe and prosperous company.

“President Trump remains unshakable in his commitment to achieve peace thanks to a strategy rooted in realism and pragmatism,” said Dni Gabbard. “Securing peace by force requires solid leadership with a clear and realistic understanding of global challenges and opportunities, a commitment to promote cultural and economic ties that reduce the probability of conflict climbing and a dedication to strengthening mutual interests,” she said.
Gabbard thanked Prime Minister Narendra Modi for inviting her to the Dialogue Raisina. She noted that the links between the two nations have been strong for decades.
Gabbard said: “I would particularly like to thank Prime Minister Modi for the invitation, to come together with new friends, to salute the old friends here in the whole Indo-Pacific region. I am leaving just after our dialogue here to return to Washington, DC, but it was constructive for a few days when I got involved with our Indian counterparts.”
During her visit to the Indo-Pacific region, Gabbard also visited Hawaii, Japan and Thailand, where she met the best intelligence officials and diplomats, said the declaration.
During the return trip to Washington DC, Dni Gabbard stopped in France to visit American staff and French leaders for discussions on the fight against terrorism and other joint efforts. (Ani)




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