PM Modi signals key movements long game abroad and at home | Political pulse news

Prime Minister Narendra Modis A in -depth conversation with the podcaster Lex Fridman, released last Sunday, caught eye globes not only because the MIT researcher was an unusual choice for an interviewer that the PM does nothing without a prudent deliberation, it was also unprecedented because it lasted more than three hours.
Some of the challenges that the PMs are confronted today on the world scene and on a national scale and the Podcast highlighted them comes from the right, quite ironic because it has represented a change to the right in Indian politics. Like the other heads of government, Modi must also face the rise of American president Donald Trump and tariff hikes that could threaten the former economic order in India and generate farmers' troubles, among other disturbing concerns.
Thanks to the podcast, Modi chose to send messages that could not be transmitted via the usual diplomatic channels. The PM contacted the Trump administration and right -wing public opinion, summarizing Trump sumptuously, obviously hoping that it would denounce it. He recalled the Howdy Modi event in Texas in 2019 to illustrate the magnanimity of the assets sit in the stadium when he was speaking; And congratulated the courage of the American presidents to take risks, to dispense with security and to go around the stadium, trusting Modis, they do. In other words, the PMS message was clear: Trump could continue to trust his old friend Modi because the two wanted to make their nations great.
Although it can be naive to expect the positive words to soften the hard blows of the prices, in April, sometimes, personal chemistry between leaders can smooth the way when things become difficult. For example, a rare relationship between Dr. Manmohan Singh and George W Bush released the way to the Indo-American Civil Nuclear Agreement in 2008. There was a bonhomie between Modi and Trump during the first mandate. But, of all accounts, Trump was not satisfied when Modi did not meet him during the American presidential election campaign during his visit to America last year.
India must navigate a difficult ground with the United States today. The PM has chosen to adopt a positive approach and India has done everything possible so as not to react to provocations. It was not Trump who was released on the White House portico to receive Modi when he arrived in Washington DC last month (Trump received leaders such as British Prime Minister Keir Starmer and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy at the portico, but with the latter, he had a stormy meeting).
Two hours before meeting Modi, Trump made public his intention to impose reciprocal prices against India. Indian immigrants handcuffed were expelled in India in American military planes and he agitated public opinion here. But the government has refrained from saying anything publicly.
Even if he praised Trump in the podcast, it was significant that the PM is not critical of Beijing. Setting his hand in China, he underlined the old civilizations to which they belonged, affirming that the two countries worked to restore their relationship and ensure that it returned to the state before 2010. It is suitable for two countries to make these noises, given the global uncertainty which prevails today, even if their more fundamental differences must be resolved.
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For its part, China appreciated the positive words of Modis and Trump also published Modis energy words about its website. It remains to be seen what this is added in substantial terms: can India have a more important economic relationship with the United States without putting all its eggs in a single basket?
When Modi told Fridman that when he shakes his hand with world leaders, he is supported by 1.4 billion Indians, he recalled that India is a large market that the world can afford to ignore. This awareness of India importance in the world has undergone its diplomatic exchanges with the main powers.
Modi and RSS
On a domestic level, the effusive praise of Modis for the RSS were a sign of his desire to make amends with the brass of Sangh. This comes at a time when the Uttar Pradesh CM Yogi Adityanath scrambled its Hindutva references after the Maha Kumbh in Prayagraj, combining religion with the administration and initiating what is described as Dharmanomics (the RSS sees Adityanath playing a national role in the future). Although the PM welcomed the people of the Maha Kumbh organization, he did not mention Adityanath by name.
Tensions marked the BJPS relationship with the Sangh after JP Nadda last year told the Indian Express that the party no longer needed hand holding by the RSS. Since then, the RSS has discussed its relationship with the BJP during various important meetings. After retaining the Lok Sabha elections in 2024, which saw the BJP counting summed up at 240 seats, the RSS put its best foot forward in the Haryana, Maharashtra and Delhi state elections that the BJP won, proving its value for the party.
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With Modi now planned to visit the RSS headquarters in Nagpur on March 30, he will be the first PM to visit Dr. Hedgewar Bhavan, this is a sign that Sangh brass will be all the more on the party's decision table, in particular on organizational issues, and that will include the decision on which Nadda will succeed as BJP president. The operating style of Modis was a cause of concern for some in the Sangh, but now a rebalancing of the BJPS relationship with the RSS seems to be on the cards. Faced with new challenges on a global and national scale, Modi, measured and flexible, seems to bend to conquer again.
The podcast has also shown that Modi could change speed, seeking to think about the big questions that will shape its political heritage. He was not a hard -hitting modification who sat before Fridman, demolishing opponents, or an aggressive defender of Hindutva, but a softer eager to show his spiritual side. He chose to talk about fasting and spend time with saints and spiritual masters, and presented for world peace as a global peacemaker. In other words, the PM was trying to present himself as an older statesman, leaving the nity-Gritty of governance, like the rank of language, at Amit Shah.
(Neerja Chowdhury, editor -in -chief, The Indian Express, has covered the last 11 elections of Lok Sabha. She is the author of How Prime Minister Deciding)
Sources 2/ https://indianexpress.com/article/political-pulse/pm-modi-signals-key-moves-in-long-game-overseas-and-at-home-9897677/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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