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If the high court judge had not transferred the affairs of the meeting of Imran Khan, it would have been a criminal contempt in court, explains Judge Ijaz

If the high court judge had not transferred the affairs of the meeting of Imran Khan, it would have been a criminal contempt in court, explains Judge Ijaz



Islamabad: In a self-inflicted outrage case in the court against the assistant registrar, the judge of the High Court of Islamabad, Sardar Ijaz Ishaq Khan, pointed out that if the high court judge had not transferred the affairs of the meeting of Imran Khan, he would have been a criminal outrage in the court.

Judge Sardar Ijaz Ishaq Khan heard the matter. The court wondered if he had received a number.

The Advocate General, while giving arguments, said that yesterday the court had spoken of the heart and that we listened, today, to give me a chance to talk about the heart too, there is only one question, is Mashal Yousafzai, lawyer of the founder of PTI or not, this question created all this situation, the focal point of the Foundation of the Declaration.

The court asked that the question is whether a case can be transferred from a bench in this way?

The Advocate General declared in his arguments that yesterday you said that I could not do justice, so I should not sit down, allow me to speak too my heart today, Niazullah Niazi was present in the court himself, he should have said in the court himself, Niazullah Niazi himself said that Mashal Yousafzai was not our lawyer, court and employment.

Judge Sardar Ijaz Ishaq Khan pointed out that this case is so simple, that is why the commission was sent, the founder of PTI had to say that she is not my lawyer, Mashal went but you did not let her meet, you continued it to this point that you kept the clerk of the law seated for an hour and a half, it was a question of three seconds, and a half.

Judge Sardar Ijaz Ishaq Khan pointed out that a lawyer says that I am a lawyer, the court cannot reject his declaration, when the other party comes that he is not a lawyer, then the court will ask the accused. Tell me what I would have done as a judge? I put an outrage in the court for any reason so that we can learn.

The Advocate General said that 37 cases were pending in this case. The court noted that even if there are ten thousand cases, the request for a case transfer or a larger bench application is filed with this relevant courtyard. The Advocate General said that the biggest bench request was not ours but that of the prison of Superintendent Adiala.

The court ordered to read the clause linked to the transfer of bench.

Judge Sardar Ijaz Ishaq Khan asked if all the parties had been informed and heard? Advocate General Islamabad said that no notice had been given, a case transfer request had been made.

The court pointed out that the legal point under which the request was made, the order itself indicates that the request cannot be made under it, according to the order, the applicant did not insist on his request, but despite this, the request was accepted.

Judge Sardar Ijaz Ishaq Khan pointed out that the public holds responsible judges, no one else holds responsible judges, the aim of this action is to inform people, this action does not mean embarrassing the high court more, I always say that the public holds responsible judges, that does not happen elsewhere.

Judge Sardar Ijaz Ishaq Khan pointed out that the only judge who hears a court is the one whose order has been raped, I do not want to leave something unpleasant for myself or my colleagues, will you give arguments on the delivery of courts filed in court? Will this bench hear the case of outrage in the court which has not even ordered, whose order has been raped?

Mashal Yousafzai said that 6 to 7 hearings had been held in my business outrage, various positions were taken at each hearing, the lawyers for the founder PTI are with me, these lawyers were led by the founder PTI to appear in my case.

Judge Sardar Ijaz Ishaq Khan pointed out that the most important thing for me is respect for the court.

Mashal Yousafzai said that outside the same courtyard, I was told to remove the court of court in court, it was also said that nothing would happen in the case, you are fighting your head against the wall.

Judge Sardar Ijaz Ishaq Khan pointed out that today, only the question of case transfer is in court, I must write a final judgment on this question, I will write that there is no significance in the law to transfer the case in this way, if this work had not been done by the high court judge, it would have been a criminal striker in the court. The goal of calling you is to help us, I cannot sit to do research.

The court, while speaking to the Advocate General, said that we did not want to put you in a difficult position, the Advocate General, you must satisfy the court on legal issues.

Former defender General Jahangir Jadoon came to La Rostre. Jahangir Jadoon said I wanted to make a request, can my main question be that the lawyer's office general defend the assistant registrar? The Advocate General is a representative of the Federation, he cannot represent the assistant registrar, only the prosecutor's office can represent the assistant registrar.

Advocate General Ayaz Shaukat said he thanks Jahangir Jadoon Sir, he helped me get out of this case, it would be better for me to get me out of this case.

The court asked that now the question is also to know where the state is in these cases? The question is whether the training of the largest bench is legal or not? Is the legal procedure of the wider bench legal or not? There will be an audience in the largest bench today, so see whether it is a legal proceedings or not.

Shoaib Shaheen Advocate drew attention to the order concerning the formation of the largest bench. He said the order indicates that the office's objections had been deleted. The court said it was well written, but no reason has been given to eliminate objections.

Judge Sardar Ijaz Ishaq pointed out that this action was to teach and that the public should also keep an eye on this case, this case does not concern the leader of a political party but




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