The mayor of Istanbul is still held as a new rally called

The powerful mayor of Istanbul, Ekrem Imamoglu, remained in police custody Thursday for allegations of transplants and terrorism after being detained the day before, while his party called for more demonstrations in the largest city in Turkey.
Imamoglu is the main political rival of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his detention came only a few days before the party appointed him as a candidate in the presidential election of 2028.
The financial markets in Türkiye fell shortly after in what analysts said indicates serious concerns of investors that this decision was politically motivated.
The chief of the main opposition CHP, whose mayor is a member, should address supporters outside the town hall of Istanbul at 1730 GMT on Thursday, a party spokesman for AFP told.
University students also planned several events in the city.
The governor prohibited all demonstrations in Istanbul for four days.
Hundreds of police joined the raid before dawn on Imamoglu's home in Istanbul on Wednesday, he posted on X before being removed, the authorities blocking access to social networks.
Access to the Internet and social media was still slow early Thursday.
Wednesday, thousands of angry demonstrators gathered in front of the town hall, singing slogans, notably “Erdogan, dictator!” And “Government, resigning!”
Already faced with a range of legal battles, the double mayor of Istanbul is now under investigation to “help and encourage a terrorist organization” – namely the Kurdish militant group prohibited PKK.
It is also surveyed for “corruption, extortion, corruption, aggravated fraud and the illegal obtaining of personal for profit in the context of a criminal organization” with approximately 100 other suspects.
– Backlash –
The chief of the CHP, Ozgur Ozel, who traveled from Ankara to Istanbul, immediately after the mayor's holding, described him as “coup” when he attended the demonstration on Wednesday evening.
“The only crime of Imamoglu was that he was taking the lead in opinion polls,” he said alongside the wife of Imamoglu Dilek.
“His only crime was that he had won the heart of the people. His only crime was that he would be the next president,” he added.
Local media said the other suspects were questioned at the police headquarters, but that Imamoglu has not yet been questioned.
Hamish Kinnear, principal analyst at Verisk Maplecroft, a risk consulting firm, said that the arrest had caused “an increased risk of civil disorders, which the government seems to have planned by introducing a four -day ban on demonstrations in Istanbul”.
The analyst warned the detention of Imamoglu could spoil the government of the plans to modify the Constitution so that Erdogan can manage another term.
“If the arrest of Imamoglu unites the opposition and provokes a political reaction, it could disrupt the government's plan to pass the constitutional change which would allow Erdogan to arise for a third term,” he said.
Under the Constitution, Erdogan – who has been president for more than a decade – can no longer present himself to the presidency. He has already changed the Constitution to present the presidential system after being Prime Minister for 11 years.
The Turkish LIRA fell against the dollar after the detention of Imamoglu, trading at 37.99 Thursday morning.
Sources 2/ https://www.al-monitor.com/originals/2025/03/istanbuls-mayor-still-held-new-rally-called The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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