How prevails over diplomacy looks like a broken phone game | Donald Trump

Donald Trumps Diplomacy of the shuttle between Russia and Ukraine sometimes looked like a broken phone game, and the American presidents are not respected by the details suggest that the cease-fire he is looking for is more extinguished than his bullish statements suggest.
Consider the events of last week. After his call with Vladimir Putin on Tuesday, Trump said that the two men had accepted a partial cease-fire on the energy and infrastructure objectives, indicating that Russia would not target bridges, hospitals, railways or other civil structures.
A few hours later, a Russian drone struck a Ukrainian hospital. Reading the Russian call said that it had accepted a stop on the strikes on energy infrastructure, suggesting that everything else was a fair game.
On Wednesday, the White House press secretary was dusted the question of what was discussed, pointing journalists towards reading the administrations without clarifying if Trump had misunderstood their discussion.
That day, Trump surprised the world by announcing that the United States proposed a privatization led by the Americans of the Ukrainian power plants to provide a new security guarantee to the Ukrainians. Trump ordered his National Security Advisor Mike Waltz and the Secretary of State Marco Rubio to provide precise reading of the call (in itself a curious distinction). In this document, they said that Trump had told Zelenskyy that the American property of these factories could be the best protection for this infrastructure.
Not so fast, said Zelenskyy on Thursday. Electric power plants are national property and belong to all Ukrainians. A buyout offer had never come.
If the Americans want to take the Russian station and want to invest in it and modernize it, this is a completely different problem, he said. In terms of property [of the nuclear power plants]We have certainly not discussed this with President Trump.
The gaps add up and Ukraine seeks to protect itself from a potentially catastrophic misunderstanding. On Thursday, Zelenskyy also announced that he would send a team of negotiators to Riyadh to provide American negotiators with an energy infrastructure list she wanted to be included in a partial cease-fire.
I do not want there to be a different understanding of which the parties will agree, said Zelensky.
Trump is used to describing complex and sometimes compromising conversations in exultant hyperbolic terms. He described a 2019 phone call with Zelenskyy as perfect. During this, he suggested that Ukraine is launching an investigation into Joe Bidens Son Hunter in exchange for a future military support.
Recent telephone calls, especially with Putin, have been held in a similar black box. After speaking this week, the Kremlin said that it had required a cessation of foreign military aid with Ukraine in the context of any long -term peace. It has never been discussed, said Trump.
We haven't talked about help, in fact, we didn't talk about help at all, Trump said. We talked about a lot, but the help has never been discussed.
The American president sought to control the information coming out of his private discussions with foreign leaders. And in its recent discussions, in particular with Putin, the White House did not specify which advisers were present on calls.
Only Steve Witkoff, a real estate tycoon and friend of Trumps, spoke directly about the call, saying that it was epic, transformational and he was proud to be an American sitting there.
Next week, a shuttle diplomacy exercise in Riyadh can prove a time when Trump can no longer paper over the mesh of the net. There will be proximity discussions, which means that groups will be in this room, a group in this room and they sit and talk about going back and forth like shuttle diplomacy in a hotel, General Keith Kellogg, Trump's envoy said. And that's how it will work, then discover where everyone is.
There is a certain degree of credulity with the American approach while their attorney -oriented prosecutors are starting to meet Russian veteran diplomats. When Sergei Lavrov and Yuri Ushakov met American negotiators in Riyadh, they brought decades of experience and underlined agreements to help shape discussions. American negotiators seemed overflowing.
Witkoff said he thought Putin was acting in good faith and that after Trump-Putin's phone call to prevent attacks on Ukrainian infrastructure, the Russian army had shot seven of their own drones. Some members of the UltraPatriotic Right of Russia ridiculed him in the following days as gullible.
The West believed that this nonsense and it's great, said Mikhail Zvinchuk, a popular Russian Military Blogger and Propagandist, during an online flow. Witkoff said he was impressed by Russia's commitment to peace.
The Poutines negotiation team in Riyadh must be headed by a former FSB general who headed the Department of Intelligence on Ukraine, and Grigory Karasin, a former diplomat who has negotiated the Minsk agreements between Russia and Ukraine
These agreements sought to interrupt the conflict between the proxy forces supported by Ukraine and Russia in the Southeast country. But they were considered to be deeply disadvantageous for Ukraine and were prey to the details on which side to provide the guarantees and in what order. In the end, they collapsed.
A question like Witkoff, Waltz and Rubio are preparing to go to Riyadh for meetings high on Monday is whether they can convene expertise to strive for an 11 -year conflict with some of the most experienced negotiators in Russia sitting opposite.
Sources 2/ https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2025/mar/21/donald-trump-ukraine-russia-war-ceasefire-putin-zelenskyy The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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