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Prime Minister Narendra Modi greets the realization of India to take an important stage of 1 billion tonnes in coal production

Prime Minister Narendra Modi greets the realization of India to take an important stage of 1 billion tonnes in coal production



New Delhi [India]March 21 (Ani): Prime Minister Narendra Modi welcomed India on Friday to take an important stage of 1 billion tonnes of coal production, highlighting the country's unwavering commitment to energy security, economic growth and autonomy.

Celebrating this remarkable feat, the Prime Minister recognized the dedication and the hard work of all the people involved in the sector.

PM Modi also stressed the important role that this achievement will play in the conduct of India's progress and durability.

In an article on the Micro-Blogs X site, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said: “A moment of pride for India! Crossing the monumental phase of 1 billion tons of coal production is a remarkable achievement, highlighting our commitment to energy security, economic growth and autonomy. This feat also reflects the dedication and the hard work of all those associated with the Sector.”

The Union Coal and Mines G Kishan Reddy also praised the milestone and credited Prime Minister Modi for his visionary leadership which inspires the adoption of technology in the sector.

The Minister of Union Coal and Mines added in a position on X which taking advantage of advanced technologies and effective mining practices, India has not only strengthened production but also prioritized sustainable and responsible mines.

He said that this remarkable achievement should feed economic growth, meet the country's power needs and pave the way for a better and secure future for energy for all Indians.

According to official data published by the COAL Ministry last month, with the fifth largest geological coal reserve in the world and as the second consumer, coal continues to be an essential energy source, contributing to 55% of the national energy mixture.

The coal sector remains the cornerstone of India's energy security, playing a vital role in the country's industrial and economic growth.

About 74% of electricity production in India is based on thermal power plants (TPP), reaffirming the need for a robust and sustainable coal sector, said the minister.

Among the eight basic industries, coal has shown the highest growth rate, recording an increase of 5.3% in December 2024 compared to the previous year.

In addition, the coal sector represents around 50% of freight income for Indian railways and provides direct employment to nearly 4.78 Lakh.

The ministry said that the coal sector adopts sustainability with large -scale afforesticks, with more than 54.06 Lakh plants planted on 2,372 hectares in 2024. Under the campaign “EK Ped Maa Ke Naam”, more than a million saplings were planted at 332 locations in 11 states.

In addition, 4,695 hectares of land has been identified for an accredited compensatory drop, and a total of 18,513 lkl of treated water were provided to more than 18.63 Lakh of people in 1,055 villages in the past five years.

Carbon gasification emerges as a key strategy for energy security, with a 100 MT target by 2030.

The government has approved an incentive regime of 8,500 roasters to support coal gas projects in the public and private sectors.

The introduction of the national portal of the Safety Report of Coal Mines and the Mines Closing Portal ensures responsible and transparent mining practices.

The ministry also plans to create a coal negotiation scholarship to create a competitive and transparent market, more modernizing the sector, said the coal ministry last month. (Ani)

(History came from a unionized flow and was not published by the staff of Tribune.)




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