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The new world broker? How China aims to counter Donald Trump

The new world broker? How China aims to counter Donald Trump



Earlier this month, US President Donald Trump said his first speech on the state of the union of his second term, promising to maintain the prices and reshaped the global dynamics. At the same time, a similar but radically different event took place on the other side of the world.
Unlike the atmosphere of the American Congress once a symbol of dynamic democracy, now compared to a circus or kindergarten of the annual meeting of the annual meeting of ChinaS National Peoples Congress is a meticulously scripted affair.

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President Donald Trump and Chinese President Xi Jingping in 2017 President Donald Trump and Chinese President Xi Jingping in 2017

President Donald Trump and Chinese President Xi Jingping in 2017

(Photo: Reuters))

The speech was not pronounced by Chinese President Xi Jinping But by the Minister of Foreign Affairs Wang Yi, who returned to this role in July 2023 after the dismissal of the Qin gangs. With severe expression and minimum gestures, Wang delivered a 90 -minute speech, repeating the word stability 14 times.

Rehearsal has been deliberate: a signal according to which the American president exercises a metaphorical flame launcher, China presents itself as the world leader responsible for establishing relations even with the nations traditionally aligned with Washington. No country should expect to suppress China on the one hand and maintain good relations with us on the other, said Wang, carefully avoiding any direct mention of the United States

While Wang was aimed at being measured earlier in the day, the Chinas Ministry of Foreign Affairs has published its strongest declaration since Trump took office: if the United States went to conflict, China responds in kind. When the United States returns to cooperation, China will do the same. If the United States wants a war, be it a tariff war, a trade war or any other type of war, we are ready to fight until the end.

Chinese concern: a clear drop in American exports

Below Joe BidenUS agricultural exports to China culminated at $ 38 billion in 2022 before moving to $ 29 billion in 2023 and 25 billion dollars last year. In January, agricultural exports to China fell 56% due to Beijing's response to Trumps prices, which cover almost everything, electronics and toy clothes.

Chinas Principal Challenge to cope with an additional four years of a volatile American president who moves positions daily is his own economic difficulties. Consumer spending is decreasing, the real estate sector is in crisis and young people unemployment increases.

The 20% tariffs on Chinese products hit one of the rare brilliant economic points: exports. Wang promised an economic growth of 5% this year, but if Chinese exports to the United States fall by 2533% as expected, this objective will be difficult to achieve.

Over the past two years, China has achieved its objective of 5% thanks to strong exports, generating a record surplus of 1 Billion of dollars. If prices prevail, China will have to stimulate domestic consumption. Beijing has introduced recovery measures, including commercial programs for household appliances, cars, phones and electronics, as well as the issue of 1.3 Billion from Yuans (179 billion dollars) in special bonds to finance these initiatives.

In a rare decision, Beijing has also increased its budget deficit from 3% to 4% of the highest GDP in decade, reflecting urgency to stimulate growth. The government plans to create more than 12 million urban jobs, caps urban unemployment 5.5% in 2025 and increase support for high -tech industries, real estate stabilization and care programs for the elderly. China also announced a 7.2% increase in its defense budget.

The key question is whether these measures will be sufficient. Strict restrictions on the COVVI-19 pandemic era, a prolonged real estate crisis and government repressions against technological and financial companies have attenuated national morale. However, Beijing sees reasons of optimism in the success of technological companies as In depth And Uniree Robotics, who attracted foreign investors to the Chinese AI sector.

Chinas Ace: Elon Musk

The tariff war is not a unilateral invoice which has a significant lever effect thanks to reprisal rates. Earlier this month, Beijing imposed prices of 15% targeted on the main American industries where China is the largest market, including corn, wheat, soy, poultry, pork and beef.

The reaction of the Wall streets at Trumps prices and its erratic policy changes have fueled Chinese hope that the trade war will not last long. Meanwhile, Beijing capitalizes on the retirement of the Americas of world leadership in fields such as health care and climate change.

Trumps Speech has sent the message that the United States only care about its own interests and will ruthlessly pursue it, without taking into account international standards, Wang said. Trump withdrew from the Paris climate agreement and the World Health Organization, clearly indicating that the United States no longer supports the values ​​and the world order it has defended since the Second World War. On the other hand, China is ready to work with the international community to meet shared challenges such as climate change.

Often China has another important card: Elon Musk. The CEO of Tesla depends strongly on China, where the company sold 657,000 vehicles in 2024 almost 37% of its world sales. Teslas Shanghai Gigafactory produces more than half a million cars per year, a third of its world production, with plans to reach a million.

If China felt under pressure, it could restrict Teslas operations a decision that would have a direct impact on Trump, which recently presented a automotive dealer for American manufacturing on the lawn of the White House, signaling its intended interest in protecting Tesla.




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