What we know about Trump's visit to the fight against NCAA in Wells Fargo
More than 20 planes violated air space near Mar-A-Lago with the last incidents
Two civilian planes flew over a limited airspace near Mar-A-Lago by President Donald Trump, forcing Norad to answer.
Straight Arrow News
President Donald Trump will go to Pennsylvania this weekend to attend the NCAA wrestling championships during his first visit to the state of Keystone since his inauguration.
Trump, a longtime sports fan, he attended Daytona 500 and Super Bowl 59, will probably throw a few golf laps in his diaper club before finishing his weekend to attend the wrestling event, which started at noon today, March 20, and ends on Saturday March 22.
The Collegiate Division I event is expected to rely on 100,000 to the Wells Fargo Center during the week, tickets for the general public having been sold in a few hours, according to Phillyvoice.
An official opinion of the Federal Aviation Administration abandoned Thursday, detailing when Trump arrives in Pennsylvania and when he is probably at the arena. It was first reported that Trump would appear after the White House retweeted a post on X Clay Travis, the founder of Outkick, who said that Travis was traveling with Trump on Air Force One during the weekend.
The championships will put 330 athletes, in competition with Penn State, who is a big favorite and could win his fourth consecutive title.
Here is the calendar of Trump's arrival and where the championships take place.
Where is Wells Fargo Center?
The Wells Fargo Center is a versatile arena located in the south of Philadelphia on South Broad Street, about three minutes from Lincoln Field (Home of the Eagles of Philadelphia of the NFL).
The Wells Fargo Center houses the Philadelphia (NB), Philadelphia 76ers (NBA) and part -time flyers for the Wildcats of Villanova University (NCAA Men's Basketball). He organized notable sporting events over the years, including the 1997 and 2010 Stanley Cup finals and three games from the 2001 NBA final.
When is Trump at the NCAA wrestling championships?
Trump should arrive or around 5:45 p.m. on Saturday March 22 and can leave no later than 10:30 p.m., according to the FAA, although the timing can change.
Trump is expected to arrive on a heliport near the Wells Fargo Center around 5:45 p.m. on Saturday, according to a temporary FAA flight restriction alert. The alert does not mention Trump by name; However, this indicates the “VIP movement”, which refers to the president and / or other public figures associated with the White House.
The temporary flight restriction, which prevents some or all flights from entering a certain department while a VIP plane is nearby, expires at 10:30 p.m.
NCAA wrestling championships
The first round of the NCAA wrestling championships began at noon today, March 20, with the second round, first wrestling round, at 7 p.m. to 7 p.m.
The NCAA wrestling championships end
The championship finals end at 7 p.m. on Saturday March 22.
Lori Comstock is a journalist based in New Jersey with the Mid-Atlantic Connect team.
Sources 2/ https://www.delawareonline.com/story/news/OnlyInDelaware/2025/03/20/where-is-wells-fargo-center-trump-at-ncaa-wrestling-championships-start-time-wells-fargo-philly/82565112007/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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