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Exclusive-India's 23 billion dollars to compete with Chinese factories to the Lander after disappointed

Exclusive-India's 23 billion dollars to compete with Chinese factories to the Lander after disappointed



By Sarita Chaganti Singh, Shivangi Accharya

New Delhi (Reuters) -Government of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi decided to leave a 23 billion dollars program to encourage national manufacturing, only four years after launching efforts to court companies far from China, according to four government representatives.

The program will not be extended beyond the 14 pilot sectors and production times will not be extended despite the requests of certain participating companies, two of the officials said.

Some 750 companies, including the supplier of Apple Foxconn and the Indian conglomerate Reliance Industries, have registered in the production program linked to production, according to public archives.

Companies have been promised in cash payments if they achieve individual production objectives and deadlines. Hope was to increase the share of manufacturing in the economy to 25% by 2025.

Instead, many companies that have participated in the program have failed to launch production, while others have reached manufacturing objectives have found that India pays subsidies, according to government documents and the correspondence seen by Reuters.

In October 2024, participating companies had produced a value of $ 151.93 billion in goods as part of the program, or 37% of the objective that Delhi had set, according to an analysis not dated to the program compiled by the Ministry of Commerce. India had only issued $ 1.73 billion in incentives – or less than 8% of funds allocated, according to the document.

The news of the government's decision not to extend the plan and details on the discrepancy of payments are reported by Reuters for the first time.

The Modi office and the Ministry of Commerce, which oversees the program, did not respond to requests for comments. Since the introduction of the plan, the share of the manufacturing economy has increased from 15.4% to 14.3%.

Foxconn, which now employs thousands of contract workers in India, and reliance has not returned any comments.

Two of the government's representatives told Reuters that the end of the program did not mean that Delhi had abandoned his manufacturing ambitions and that alternatives were planned.

Last year, the government defended the impact of the program, especially in pharmaceutical products and the manufacture of mobile phones, which experienced explosive growth. Some 94% of almost $ 620 million in incentives paid between April and October 2024 were directed to these two sectors.

In some cases, certain companies of the food networker who have requested subsidies have not issued them due to factors such as “the non-compliance of investment thresholds” and companies “do not reach minimum stipulated growth”, according to the analysis. The document did not provide details, although it found that production in the sector had exceeded the targets. Reuters could not determine which companies the analysis mentioned.




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