India Critical Minerals Mission: PM Modis Plan to secure the Future Indias explained

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The first exploration licenses for India exploration auctions for critical minerals marks a strategic change to guarantee its future green energy, aimed at autonomy and reduces imports.

India under Prime Minister Narendra Modi takes daring measures to reduce its dependence on importation and become a global player in the space of critical minerals. (PTI Photo)
In the race to a clean energy future, minerals like lithium, nickel, cobalt and rare earth elements are more precious than ever. These critical minerals “are the backbone of batteries, semiconductors, wind turbines and solar panels. For India. Minerals intensifies with a launch of the United States led by the United States of Trump, the land rich in minerals and China, maintains its domination over the supply chains of India under Prime Minister Narend Moda takes daring measures Import dependence and become a global player in the space of critical minerals.
To be a leader in green energy, technology and semiconductors, India needs an advance in the critical supply of minerals. India has set ambitious objectives for its green energy transition. By 2070, the country aims to reach net greenhouse gas emissions. By 2030, it provides that 30% of its vehicles are electric. Reaching these objectives requires a massive increase in the availability of critical minerals. Currently, India remains strongly dependent on imports. According to the ministry of mines, India imported 100% of its lithium, Cobalt and Nickel in 2020, while 60% of its graphite came from abroad.
China, the world's leading processor of these minerals, was the largest India supplier. This high dependence on foreign supply chains makes India vulnerable to geopolitical disturbances and price fluctuations. To counter this dependence, the Indian government has launched an aggressive plan to guarantee its future in the race of critical minerals. This plan includes the strengthening of interior exploration and mining, the acquisition of mineral assets abroad and the improvement of recycling initiatives. In January 2025, India approved the Critical National Mineral Mission (NCMM), an initiative of 16,300 crores with a total budget of 34,300 over seven years. The mission aims to establish self -sufficiency in critical minerals and to accelerate the transition of green energy India. The mission will cover all the stages of the value chain, from exploration to treatment, and even the recovery of end -of -life products.
Some of the key components include:
- Exploration and mining: The Geological Survey of India (GSI) has already undertaken 368 critical mineral exploration projects in the past three years, with plans to take 227 more in 2025-2026.
- Accelerated approvals: A rationalized regulation process will ensure that mining projects are advancing without unnecessary delays.
- Financial incentives: The government offers incentives to encourage private and public companies to invest in exploration and extraction.
- Storage and recycling: A strategic stock of critical minerals will be created to ensure the security of the offer. In addition, India plans to recover 90% of all electric vehicle battery materials by 2027.
The government has also changed the 1957 law on mines and minerals (development and regulation) to facilitate critical mineral auctions. In the first tranche of exploration license auction in March 2025, India put 13 blocks in 10 auctions, covering minerals such as gold, copper, diamonds, zinc, rare earth elements, vanadium and zirconium.
An increase in critical mineral exploration will argue potential investors with crucial data on reserves, arousing greater interest and greater auction. Until now, only 24 critical mineral blocks have been sold at auction, many offers failing due to low investors' commitment. The government now offers thousands of square kilometers for exploration to private players. If they discover a deep or critical mineral, their discovery could obtain an income for the next 50 years.
India recognizes that national exploration will not be enough alone. As the request for critical minerals is walking around in the world, it is crucial to long -term supply agreements with nations rich in resources. Recently, India has expanded its diplomacy of resources by acquiring mineral assets abroad:
- Africa Focus: India has obtained 9,000 square kilometers of green terrain in Zambia for copper and cobalt exploration. In addition, he explores critical mineral projects in Congo, Tanzania and Mozambique.
- Australia and Latin America: India has strengthened partnerships with nations rich in minerals such as Australia, Argentina and Chile, which hold significant lithium reserves.
- Commercial and investment partnerships: The government encourages companies in the Indian public and private sector to invest in mining projects abroad and to develop joint ventures with foreign entities.
Although India efforts to stimulate its critical mineral sector are laudable, several challenges remain:
- Long delivery hours: The gap between the discovery of minerals and production can sometimes be long over a decade.
- Infrastructure strangulation neck: The implementation of refining and treatment installations in India will take time, and currently, most of the treatments are controlled by China.
- Investment risks: Acquisitions of minerals abroad include geopolitical and regulatory risks.
- Recycling scalability: While India has ambitious recycling goals, the infrastructure to reach them is still in its infancy.
To meet these challenges, India must accelerate political reforms, encourage participation of the private sector and invest in advanced mining and treatment technologies. Public-private partnerships (PPP) and international collaborations will play a key role in the success of the mission of India critical minerals. By widening interior exploration, acquiring assets abroad and promoting recycling, India is positioned as a formidable player in the World Clean Energy Revolution. While the world goes to a Net-Zero future, critical minerals will be fuel for the new economy. With good policies, investments and international partnerships, India should emerge as a key director in this rapidly evolving landscape.
Sources 2/ https://www.news18.com/explainers/indias-critical-minerals-mission-pm-modis-plan-to-secure-indias-future-explained-ws-b-9269568.html The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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