Trump signs an executive order to end the United States Ministry of Education

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President Donald Trump has signed a highly anticipated executive decree which, according to him, is designed to close the United States Ministry of Education.
The order that Trump signed on Thursday indicates the Secretary of Education Linda McMahon to take all the necessary measures to facilitate the closure of the Ministry of Education and the return authority on education in states and local communities to the appropriate and authorized extent by law. At the same time, the order indicates that McMahon should provide the effective and uninterrupted service of services, programs and advantages that Americans count.
Despite the opposite survey, Trump said in his speech on Thursday that the department is closed is a popular idea that would save money and help American students catch up with other countries. He also said that his order would guarantee that other federal agencies take care of the main programs now hosted in the education department, such as those of low -income backgrounds and disabled students.
Beyond these main necessities, my administration will take all legal measures to close the department, said Trump. Would stop and close it as quickly as possible. He does not do us good. We want to return our students to the United States.
President Donald Trump is expressed during an event at the White House in Washington, DC on Thursday when Trump signed an executive decree intended to close the United States Ministry of Education. (Mandel Ngan / AFP via Getty Images)
The decree represents a symbolic achievement for Trump, who for years expressed the desire to close the department. However, the president has already radically transformed the department without counting on such an order. McMahon announced redundancies and massive redemptions earlier this month who reduced the departments of the departments in two.
Beyond rhetoric, it is not clear how exactly the order will have an impact on the work or existence of departments.
According to the law, only the congress can eliminate an agency at the level of the firm authorized by the congress; The White House press secretary Karoline Leavitt seemed to recognize so much Thursday before Trump signed the order, when she said that the education service would become much smaller. And during his remarks on Thursday, Trump expressed his hope that the Democrats as well as the Republicans would vote for the closure of the departments, although eminent Democratic legislators have exploded the idea.
The order does not directly modify the annual budget of the Congress departments. And federal law dictates many main functions of education departments which would require convention approval which could be very difficult to obtain.
However, the assets move to considerably reduce the staff of the departments could have an impact on their capacity and productivity, even if officially, their functions remain in place.
During his confirmation hearing, McMahon promised to work with the congress on a reorganization plan. Project 2025, a leading plan for the conservative governance of the Heritage Foundation published before Trumps' second term, said that, with the closure of the education department, the federal government should transfer civil rights education to the Ministry of Justice, while the collection of education data should move to the US Census Bureau.
In a statement on Thursday, McMahon said that the closure of the education department does not mean cutting the funds of those who depend on it.
We will continue to support students from kindergarten to 12th year, students with special needs, borrowing students and others who count on essential programs, she wrote. Would follow the law and eliminate bureaucracy responsible for working with the congress and the heads of state to ensure a legal and orderly transition.
The decree could be challenged in court. Many asset efforts to redo the federal bureaucracy are already linked to disputes, including the dismissals of the education department.
The decree notes that the Department of Education does not inform any students and indicates the low results to tests on an important national assessment as proof that federal expenses do not help students.
The closure of the Ministry of Education would provide children and their families the possibility of escaping a system that fails them, says order.
The order of Trump is triumph for the enemies of the departments
The Republican governors of Florida, Texas, Iowa, Indiana, Ohio, Louisiana, Tennessee, Idaho and Nebraska were present at the signature ceremony. Trump said they wanted the federal government to give their states more control over education.
The cost will likely be half, and education may be many times better, said Trump. The states that are going very well, have very well, said, having education systems as good as those of Finland, Denmark, Sweden and the countries of Norway which tend to surpass the United States on international reading and mathematics tests.
The Department of Education administers billions of dollars of federal aid through programs such as title I, which benefits schools on high pause, and the law on the education of disabled people, or the idea, which compensates for the cost of special education services.
The Department also administers financial assistance for students, sharing information on best practices with academic states and districts and applies civil rights laws. And he oversees the system of school responsibility, which identifies poorly efficient persistent schools for additional support.
States and school districts already take most educational decisions, from the remuneration of teachers to the choice of programs.
The Conservatives wanted to get rid of the United States Ministry of Education since it was created by President Jimmy Carter and the Congress in 1979, and Trump spoke of doing so in his first administration. But these efforts have never gained ground.
Conservatives say that for decades, the ministry has failed to adequately approach the low academic performance. They also consider the department as generally hostile to their political and ideological perspectives.
The decree indicates that McMahon must ensure that any program or activity receiving federal assistance puts an end to illegal discrimination masked by diversity, equity and inclusion of labels or similar terms and programs favoring gender ideology, a reference to policies intended to make schools more welcoming for color students and LGBTQ students.
The department has moved to target and publicly eliminate diversity -oriented practices in schools in recent weeks. And the ministry has already threatened to retain federal funding from Maine for having enabled Trans athletes to compete in teams that correspond to their gender identity.
The defenders of public education say that critical expertise will be lost and that students will not be protected if Trump further decreases the department. They also fear that a recast of the ministry can endanger billions of federal funds which strengthen state education budgets and local.
They say that they have already seen impacts of dismissals, which have struck the Office of Civil Rights, Federal Aid to Students and the Institute of Education Sciences particularly difficult.
Even before McMahon takes office, the United States Doge Service, the cost reduction initiative led by billionaire Elon Musk, canceled hundreds of millions of dollars in research and contract subsidies.
The Department of Education was already one of the smallest departments at the office, with around 4,100 employees, before layoffs. With buyouts and layoffs, the ministry now employs just under 2,200 people.
Chalkbeat's main national journalist Kalyn Belsha has contributed reports.
Erica Meltzer is the national editor of Chalkbeats based in Colorado. Contact Erica at emeltzer@chalkbeat.org.
Andrew Ujifusa is a history publisher at Chalkbeat.
Sources 2/ https://www.chalkbeat.org/2025/03/20/trump-signs-executive-order-to-end-education-department/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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