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The government excludes the fresh military offensive in the midst of a wave of terrorism – Pakistan

The government excludes the fresh military offensive in the midst of a wave of terrorism – Pakistan



Tallal Chaudhry says that executives for the fight against existing terrorism, in particular AZM-I-ÉTHKAM and NAP, to be used the Minister of the Interior, about nine attacks occur daily; More than 1,000 victims during this year, only the provinces take up the challenge; alleys Pti, Gandapur considers the activists their constituency

Islamabad: A few days after high -level security decided to eliminate terrorism thanks to the implementation of executives to combat existing terrorism, the Minister of State in the Interior Tallal Chaudhry excluded a new military offensive to slow down the wave of terrorism.

At a press conference held on Thursday, the minister said the option of a new military operation was not even discussed during parliamentary security of parliamentary security, which was assisted by the Prime Minister and the army chief among others.

According to the minister, AZM-I-ÉTHKAM and the National Action Plan (NAP) will be applied to eliminate terrorism from the country.

The declaration of PML-N leaders came in response to the remarks made by Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, the chief minister Ali Amin Gandapur, who had also attended the group in which the CM would have declared that the KP government would not authorize a new offensive.

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He criticized Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), chief minister Ali Amin Gandapur for having pretended to have created an ambiguity and aroused controversy on the decisions taken at the security meeting held earlier this week in the wake of the attack on Jaffar Express of Peshawar. Chaudhry said that the declaration made by the KP CM was deeply worrying and alleged that his goal was to undermine war against terrorism.

He asked CM Gandapur not to stand with the terrorists, even if he could not support themselves against them. He accused the CM of having told certain police officers of not acting against the terrorists while the ANP and the PPP were destroyed to fight against them. The minister challenged CM Gandapur to refuse these remarks on the oath.

The head of the PML-N blamed the PTI government for the recent increase in terrorism, saying that activists had been resettled here during his mandate. He noted that PTI had not attended the key meeting despite an increase in terrorist threats across the country. The Minister nicknamed the imprisoned founder of the PTI -Chief Patron of the Terrorists and said that the latter had taken almost a week to condemn the diversion of Jaffar Express.

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The Minister also opposed the Declaration of the founders of the PTI in which he said that the Jaffar Express incident was the result of the failure of intelligence and security agencies. Chaudhry, however, challenged this complaint and said that security agencies emit alerts, but KP and Balutchistan institutions were not effective enough to act on the information provided by agencies.

He said the PTI has been running KP for 13 years, but had spent very little money on provincial police and the Department of Terrorism over a total of 800 billion rupees he received from the Federation under the National Finance Commission Award. He said that the CTD operates from a rented building. Where this money has disappeared, he asked. The minister also criticized the samples. He said 80% of the Balutchistan is area B managed by samples and stressed that the presence of the withdrawals was only 45%.

Nine attacks per day

In his presser, the Minister of State of the Interior also shared statistics on terrorism. He said Pakistan witnessed nine terrorist attacks daily, adding that three law officials and two civilians lost their lives because of these attacks, while seven soldiers and four civilians were injured.

He said that from January 1 to March 16, 1,141 people had lost their lives or injuries suffered during these attacks, adding that 1,127 of these victims came from KP and Balutchistan. The Minister said that there had been a 30% increase in terrorism in February compared to the same month in 2024, and 95% of the attacks took place in Balutchistan and KP. If KP and Balutchistan are not ready to fight, how can we end the threat of terrorism, he asked.

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The provinces will have to fight this war in the same way that the army and the federal government fight it, he said, stressing that each province should exercise its duty in this regard, but the state decided that this war would be waged without waiting for anyone. Our security forces are alert, and they lead around 180 intelligence operations daily and they stop suspects, he said.

Regarding the idea of ​​Imran Khans of peace by talks, he said, we are ready to speak only with those who have not taken up arms.

He allegedly alleged that the PTI and the chief minister of the parties of KP did not speak openly against the militants because the two leaders considered them their constituency. Asked about the reason why the Minister of the Interior Mohin Naqvi was not under the spotlight, he said that Mr. Naqvi exercised his functions effectively and could not attend security due to poor health.

Posted in Dawn, March 21, 2025




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