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Chinese anger for the sale of Panama canal ports to us investors highlights tensions between the two superpowers

Chinese anger for the sale of Panama canal ports to us investors highlights tensions between the two superpowers



When the conglomerate listed in Hong Kong, CK Hutchison, announced that it sold its two port concessions on the Panama canal to an American consortium led by New York Blackrock giant, the Chinese government has published a strongly written reprimand.

Thanks to the newspaper supported by the TA Kung Pao government, Beijing accused the United States to force the agreement by despicable means, and claimed That if it was over: the United States will certainly use it for political purposes, China's expedition and trade will inevitably be subject to the United States.

CK hutchisons Decision to sell his ports, which he exploited Since 1997A buyer led by the United States came after the American president, Donald Trump, criticized the Chinese influence on this strategically vital navigable path. In his inaugural address, Trump claimedWrongly, that China operates the Panama canal and swore. In fact, the data shows Whether the majority of traffic across the channel goes to the United States or from the United States.

This attracted fears in Beijing that American companies operating ports on the canal will make Washingtons auction and potentially seek to restrict access to Chinas. Beijing's angry response indicates that the rivalry between the two great powers is deep and in progress.

If it is likely that this rivalry continues to intensify under Trump, the president is unpredictable. Indeed, he considers unpredictability as a virtue as a means of keeping advisers and foreign leaders on their guard.

When asked last year if he would support Taiwan in the event of a Chinese invasion, Trump gave His own touch on longtime American policy of strategic ambiguity, saying: I do not want to reveal my cards, I would not want to give negotiation capacities by giving information like this to a journalist.

This means that there are several plausible results for the American-Chinese relationship in the second Trump administration.

On the one hand, there is a very strong, biparti A consensus in Washington according to which China poses a systemic and generational challenge to American power. While Russia is considered a disruptor, China is a potential counterpart that could build a new international order based on the preferences and interests of Beijing.

Since the first term of the first mandate, the United States has aggressively technological war On China to limit its technological and military development, by reducing access to high-end semiconductors designed by American companies.

View of a cargo cargo in the Panama canal in Panama City, Panama, January 24, 2025
China was irritated by the sale in March of two ports of the Panama Canal by CK Hutchison, based in Hong at an American consortium.
EPA-EFE / Welcome Velasco

This has intensified in the Biden years with New sanctions on Chinese technological companies and the passage of Chips and Science ActDesigned to encourage the return of semiconductors to the United States. Sales of defensive weapons in Taiwan had already been increase at Trumps in the first mandate and remained at high levels Under Joe Biden.

What Biden called Extreme competition with China has become the main principle of organizing American foreign policy. Although Republican legislators have so far been willing to accompany Trumps diplomacy regarding Russia, there will probably be less tolerance for an approach similar to China.

Unlike other American presidents, Trump does not seem to believe that alliances Extend American power in the world, although it still wants the United States to be the undisputed number one. In his second inaugural addressHe swore to build the strongest soldiers that the world has ever seen.

Trump considers China as an economic opponent, one of the reasons to impose punitive prices of 20% on all incoming products. China has retaluance with its own prices and and have propose more restrictions on exports of rare earth minerals. These are vital components of semiconductors, electric batteries and many weapons and the world market is dominated by China.

Change of policy?

The US State Department recently reported a possible change in policy to Taiwan, delete the sentence We do not support Taiwan's independence from his information sheet in Taiwan in February. This irritated in Beijing, who considers the island as an integral part of China.

This subtle has moved away from the USS for a long time China Politics as well as prices and prevails over the hostility of the alleged Chinese influence on the Panama Canal suggest the pursuit of a hostile and competitive approach to China.

Young people gather around a Biulling in Taipei where there are many flying Taiwanese flags.
Praily independent: people meet under the Taiwanese flags in Liberty Square in Taipei, October 2024.

That said, as prevails over recent diplomacy with Russia and its comments About the absorption of Greenland has shown, he is not afraid to upset the established standards of American foreign policy. He likes to provoke the globalist Foreign policy establishment. He salutes his own capacity for competition and would not want to fight a war with China against Taiwan.

Trump is attracted to the heads of strong man and complaints Have an excellent relationship with President XI. He reaches his objectives by taking up maximalist positions (for example, the punitive rates) which he uses to extract the concessions. During a recent press conference, Trump declared: I see so much by saying that we do not want China in this country. This is not true. We want them to invest in the United States. It's good. It's a lot of money to come.

Trump is well aware that the United States depends strongly on imported semiconductors from the Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Corporation (TSMC) The Leader Leader flea manufacturer and A repeatedly Accused Taiwan of having stolen the American semiconductor industry. He recently taken the credit of the announcement of TSMCS which he would invest $ 100 billion (77 billion) in three flea factories in Arizona, declaring This production of vital semiconductors in the United States was a question of national security.

But it will take years to TSMCS investments to materialize in terms of helping us with ourselves-Duvel in the manufacture of fleas. In the meantime, it is not out of the question that Trump could seek an agreement with China which guarantees that access to the United States in Taiwan, in exchange for China, peacefully absorbing the island. Given the historical importance of Taiwan in Beijing, this could appeal.

Avoiding war could also be popular with Trump voters who wish to put America first without being involved in foreign wars. Although the consensus of a fellow Chinese is firmly anchored in Washington, its continuation is not guaranteed while the Mercurial Trump is at the helm.




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