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When Hasto dragged Jokowi's name at the exceptional hearing, alluded to the threat of being suspicious

When Hasto dragged Jokowi's name at the exceptional hearing, alluded to the threat of being suspicious



Jakarta, – The Secretary General (Secretary General) of PDIP Hasto Kristanto dragged the 7th President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo (Jokowi) in a objection memorandum or exception of the case of corruption and alleged corruption affairs, Friday 31/2025).

Hasto initially talked about the various intimidation he has received since August 2023 and were strengthened during periods after the 2024 regional election (Pilkada).

He said that the pressure on him increased before Jokowi's dismissal by PDIP.

Read also: Hasto gives a message to all PDIP executives, ask to stay calm and keep loyalty to Ketum Megawati

“The pressure on me increased from the period from December 4 to 15, 2024 before the dismissal of Jokowi by the PDIP DPP after receiving a report from the Honorary Agency of the Party,” Hasto told the corruption court of the Jakarta Central District Court.

“Meanwhile, a messenger admitted from the country's office asking me to withdraw, not to reject or I would be planned and arrested,” he continued.

The threat was then carried out, where on December 24, 2024, the Corruption Eradication Commission or KPK officially appointed Hasto as a suspect.

“And finally on December 24, 2024, a week after the dismissal of party executives in the morning, he was disclosed first to the media, and in the afternoon before the day before, I was appointed suspect,” he said.

“(The suspect's determination) coincides with Christmas Eve when we plan Christmas mass after almost 5 years, we cannot celebrate Christmas with full family,” added Hasto.

In addition, Hasto has also declared intimidation and pressure using legal instruments by the authorities also experienced by other political parties.

“The same pressure has also occurred in other political parties that led to the replacement of party leaders using the law as a pressure instrument,” he said.

Read also: Hasto asks the judges to grant his exception: for respect for justice and confirms human rights

Partly reported, Hasto was appointed KPK as a suspect in the alleged corruption case in the management of inter-time replacement members (PAW) of the 2019-2024 DPR and investigations.

The bridge pot would have been given so that my Mason Harun could be determined as a member of the Parliament by the paw mechanism.

The case that trapped Hasto was the development of the case which had trapped the former commissioner of the General Electoral Commission (KPU), Wahyu Setiawan and the former legislative candidate PDIP Harun Masiku, who is still at freedom.

Thursday (20/02/2025), the KPK officially stopped Hasto Kristanto.

The secretary general of the PDIP then underwent the inaugural trial of the alleged corruption case and the Pintangan investigation into Harun Masiku on Friday (03/14/2025).




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