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Opinion | Trump voters love it more than before. Four conservative columnists determine why.

Opinion | Trump voters love it more than before. Four conservative columnists determine why.



And I am open to business on a fourth theory, or more.

Douthat: First, I would point out that Trump is not terribly popular, and that I will undoubtedly become less if the stock market trends are decreasing and the recession fears. He has a dominant position within his party, but even during his apotheosis, his approval ratings barely obtained more than 50%.

Secondly, the Americans lived Trump's first term, when Sky-Falling's rhetoric was commonplace, but the average American underwent a crisis in a cooked blow. Then, during the term Biden, the media radical the rhetoric of crisis spectacularly, but in reality, inflation soar, the border seemed wide open, the world became much more dangerous and the president was manifestly incapable of doing his job. Thus, although you can make a plausible case that this time is different, that Trump is more empowered and therefore more dangerous, you must always expect that many Americans expect proof of their daily life before immediately reinstating his story of the crisis of the first terms.

Brooks: I bring you back to a 1971 Clint Eastwood film, Dirty Harry, or a 1974 Charles Bronson film, Death Wish. The two were produced during a period of social decomposition, and they are both about a guy who is ready to break or fold the rules to restore the order. To date, there are a large part of Americans who think that the system is so broken, we need someone who breaks the rules. This is what is happening.

In addition, the unfortunate fact is that there is almost always a core of truth to the assaults of Trump & Co. The most harmful thing they have done in my opinion is the eviscerate that millions of people will die. But it was true that USAID was a bureaucratic nightmare. A generation of administrators tried to repair it. The problem that the Trumpies do not understand is that many sincerity has been established by members of the Congress who insisted so that they were not deleted. Trump policies are not 100% wrong; These are only excessive reactions. Destroy an agency rather than repairing what is wrong and saving what is good.

Stephens: Unless you live a few kilometers from Capitol Hill, you probably do not give two figs, that our foreign aid (sometimes poorly spent) is distributed via a semi-auto-automobile agency called USAID or directly by the State Department itself. You probably think that it is not a tragedy that government employees should experience the periodic layoffs that other American workers have always experienced. The kind of movements inside the bottle that resemble political earthquakes to a certain type of Washington initiate leave Trump voters somewhere between indifferent and happy.




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