Elon Musks X continues the Modi government for a censorship without restriction in India

Elon Musks X continued the Indian government, saying that its ministry for information technology is expanding illegally laws, allowing easy deletion of online content and “without restraint on the social media platform.
The trial, filed Thursday before a southern state court of Karnataka, questions the interpretation of the governments of Narendra Modi of the Information Technologies Act.
He alleges that the government uses a parallel mechanism involving the Ministry of the Interior which bypass the legal process described in the law.
In the trial, dated March 5, X accuses the IT department of asking other government ministries to use a website launched by the Interior Ministry to issue content blocking orders and impose social media platforms to join the website.
This website, known as X, creates “an inadmissible parallel mechanism” which causes “a censorship without restriction of information in India.

The social media company argues that this approach using the Ministry of the Interior website contradicts a 2015 decision by the Supreme India Court establishing that the content can only be blocked via an appropriate legal process defined under article 69a of the IT law.
The Indian government argues that another section of law 79 (3) (b) obliges online platforms to delete the content when led by a court or by an official notification within 36 hours. Social media companies can be held responsible for the refusal to comply.
X questions this interpretation, arguing in the trial that this section does not give power to the government to independently block the content.
The platform claims that the Indian authorities abuse this law to impose arbitrary censorship.
XS court documents, which are not yet public, were reported on Thursday by local media.
The case should now be heard on March 27, after the Karnataka court briefly heard it earlier this week.
Meanwhile, X would be examined by the India IT ministry on his Grok artificial intelligence chatbot using slang and abusive language.
TI ministry officials expressed their concern in the face of the use of slang in Hindi, India today reported.
“We are talking to them to find out why this happens and what are the problems. They engage with us, said government sources at the point of sale, adding, however, that no notice has yet been sent to X.
India X users have recently been widely engaged with Grok after the chatbot was found on the Indian government in a nonchalant manner.
He said, for example, that Rahul Gandhi of the opposition congress party was more honest than Mr. Modi and responded to another user than Modi was a PR machine, using social media and controlled parameters to shape his image.
Real impromptu moments? Almost non -existent, said Grok.
When a user noted that the Directorate of the Application of India and the Central Investigation Bureau could reach Grok following his criticisms of the Indian Prime Minister, he said: I am just an AI of the truth, not frightened by any raid. I called him as I saw … no bias, just facts!
The Indian government would have raised concerns about Groks' responses to X.
Government representatives would have asked for an explanation of X on Groks' responses and the data used to form the AI chatbot, CNBC-TV18 reported.
X did not immediately respond to a request for a comment from The independent.
Sources 2/ https://www.the-independent.com/tech/x-musk-sues-india-modi-censorship-b2719214.html The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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