Donald Trump orders the Deputy Education Department
Describing him as a 45 -year -old decision in the making, Donald Trump signed a leading decree on Thursday the secretary of education Linda McMahon to start dismantling the department she directs. No president has ever managed to do so, but I am doing it, said Trump, insisting that the scanning and controversy measure is extraordinarily popular.
We are going to close and stop him as quickly as possible, said Trump at a signature ceremony that featured Republican governors like Ron Desantis, mothers for the co -founder of Liberty Tiffany Justice and children sitting in what looked like school offices. It will work, he added.
And with this, Trump officially moved to eliminate the DOE, making a long -standing right fantasy and one of the key ambitions in the 2025 project, the Trump master plan swore on the campaign path last year. What a victory for American children, heritage president Kevin Roberts wrote on Wednesday after USA Today and other media reported a few hours earlier that Trump would sign the decree.
The move which will surely be confronted with judicial disputes while Trump consolidates power with extreme reductions of the government, and because it targets education more widely with attacks against diversity initiatives in higher education and several high -level repairs against academics born abroad.
It had always been a question of knowing when, not if, Trump aimed at the department, which had been created by the congress in 1979 under President Jimmy Carter. McMahon was expected to close the department of $ 268 billion earlier this month, but withdrew after the signing emerged in reports: Fake News, said Karoline Leavitt's press secretary, said at the time. Trump did not sign an executive decree at the Ministry of Education today.
Some education defenders counted this as a victory. But the Trump administration would nevertheless begin to hinder the department, hitting the DOE with serious cuts last week: more than 1,300 of its employees were dismissed, which has half the staff of the department. And while McMahon insisted that everyone [its essential functions] are satisfied, purgeincus within the office of federal aid for students had a dramatic impact on its ability to operate. If you are a student, or you are a public school teacher, Trump sends a loud and clear message, the Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren said last week. He doesn't care about you and he doesn't care about your family.
The decree Thursday is supposed to be a continuation and a formalization of what the administration has already done to empty the department and, of course, so that Trump and his allies take another victory tour in their race to radically redo America. Indeed, the Fiat is not only about to have radical impacts on education in the United States; He may prevail over the most daring affirmation of the executive authority. The president, who has tested the verification of judicial branches, has already bypassed and has essentially dismissed the legislative branch, assuming power on the bag which normally rests at Congress and allowing Elon Musk to decimate the agencies established by the legislators of Capitol Hill.
The Ministry of Education is the largest target of this takeover. It has been submitted not only to mass layoffs that have struck other departments, but for pure eliminations and something which, in theory, can only be done by the legislative branch that created it. (Before the prescription, Leavitt acknowledged that the president could not officially close the department with the power of his pen.) It is not clear if it has votes on Capitol Hill for that; Even two Republican senators, Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski, expressed their opposition to the completely abolition of the department, which makes Trump unlikely to obtain the 60 votes he needs in the upper room to eliminate it by normal procedures. The question, both for the education system and the separation of powers, will this technicality even be important?
Sources 2/ https://www.vanityfair.com/news/story/donald-trump-orders-education-department-dismantled The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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