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Not yet, but what will do, what's going …

Not yet, but what will do, what's going …



Jakarta, – The 7th President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo (Jokowi) Open votes on his relationship with the Indonesian Democratic Party of the struggle (PDI-P) Until the opportunity to meet the 5th President of the Republic of Indonesia, Megawati SOEKARNOPUTRI.

Initially, Jokowi explained that his relationship with PDI-P, in particular the president of the PDI-P DPP Puan Maharani, was quite good and warm.

“The relationship is really warm, it is indeed warm, with Ms. Puan Warm,” said Jokowi after having broken the fast with the elites of political parties at the Nasdem tower on Friday (03/21/2025).

After that, Jokowi admitted that he had not met Megawati, despite a fairly warm relationship with PDI-P.

Read also: Puan pretended to chat warmly with Jokowi in Bukber Nasdem

However, Jokowi thinks that his relationship with Megawati will remain well, without ensuring that she will meet directly or not.

“Yes, not yet, but what will do, what is going, in the future, I think it will go,” said Jokowi.

To note, the heating of Jokowi's relationship with the PDI-P returned to the honor after the question appeared, he sent his messenger so that the dismissal of the party was canceled.

The Jokowi number sent a messenger to meet PDI-P officials was revealed by the president of the PDI-P DPP Deddy Sitorus during a press conference on Thursday, March 13, 2025.

Previously, Jokowi had firmly denied the accusation he had sent someone to discuss the rejection of Deddy Sitorus and the abolition of Hasto Kristiento de PDI-P.

Read also: Bukber in Nasdem, Puan admitted that he had just discovered that Jokowi also came

Jokowi even challenged Deddy Sitorus to find out who was really the “messenger” in question.

“There is not (asks like that), what is mentioned that (the messenger) is like that to be clear,” said Jokowi in his declaration in the city of Solo, in the center of Java, on March 14, 2025.

Jokowi also stressed that he had no interest in legal affairs that led to Hasto Kristiento.

“What interest should I send it for this, what are the interests? Try to connect,” said the former mayor of Solo in a firm tone.

In addition, Jokowi revealed that he had chosen to remain silent against the various accusations made to him. However, he warned that his patience had a limit.

“I was silent.

Read also: Jokowi requests the results of the ratification of the TNI bill in Puan Maharani during Bukber

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