Green investors find good deals in the era of the main oil era

(Bloomberg) – Private infrastructure investors stop good green deals in what appeared as a buyer market for wind, solar and battery projects.
The movements follow AA in net energy actions, while the American president Donald Trumps calls for more power of fossil fuel has sent a cold in the sector and stimulated the plans of large oils to return to the core business.
We believe that the fundamental principles of renewable energy are as strong as it is ever, said Ignacio Pazres, Director and Deputy Director of Investments in the Renewable and Transitional Power Group in Brookfield Asset Management. Whenever we see a dislocation between what the noise of the market and the fundamentals is, this creates a very good opportunity for us to make acquisitions at very attractive entry prices.
Brookfield is one of the asset managers to bet that the increase in energy consumption and the competitive economy of renewable energies will continue to stimulate demand from the sector.
In recent months, Brookfield has concluded a series of Big Green offers, including a transaction of $ 1.7 billion to buy a company of renewable origin at National Grid Plc, a bought of 1.75 billion ($ 2.3 billion) in the offshore wind kingdom with Orsted A / S and 6.1 billion dollars ( Billions of dollars) of French French in French. Pazares said the company was trying to buy more while it continues to collect funds for its second energy transition funds.
Neoen's acquisition was particularly good timing for Brookfield. The alternative active and co-investigator manager first bought controlling participation in December for 39.85 a share, a third lower than Neoens Peak in early 2021.
With all these transactions, Brookfield has taken public market assets in the private market. They highlight a timely moment for investors with money to spend on the sector. A stock market bubble for all that is culminated at the beginning of 2021 and has now left assessments of clean energy companies checked on the lowest level in approximately five years.
The equity prices have not done well in recent years, but in the real economy, cleaning is booming, said Aniker Shah, responsible for sustainability and transition strategy at Jefferies. When the feeling around something is low, it's a good time to be a buyer.

Vincent Policard, co-responsible for European infrastructure at KKR & CO., who seeks to raise up to 7 billion dollars for his first world climate fund, said that geopolitical factors exerting pressure on assessments create an imperative opportunity for long-term investors like us to lean and support the energy transition.
The hedge fund manager, Trium Capital, said earlier this month that the large retirement of the oil majors of Renewable projects left the investment market with a low carbon content compared to fewer and more attractive.
It already seems to be playing in an offshore wind off the coast of the United Kingdom, where BP PLC had made some of its most formidable bets a few years ago, which increases the prices of projects.
Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners, which closed its greatest fund for renewable energy with 12 billion this month, said that it was now starting to return to these waters.
We stayed outside the Big Blood Blood Bath in the North Sea, said Jakob Baruel Poulsen, director and co-founder partner at CIP, but the firm recently bought a 480 megawatts Morecambe project off the west coast of the United Kingdom in Irish sea in very attractive terms.
CIP said last month that it acquired total control of its current COBRA owners and flotation energy. A press release on the announcement said that Flotation Energy will remain involved after the transaction as a project development partner.
The owners of renewable projects in Europe also benefit from electricity prices which are still at historically high levels after the natural gas supply of Russia to Europe has decreased in recent years.
Energy prices are incredibly good at the moment, said Baruel Poulsen. In Europe, long-term electricity prices are at least twice as high as before the war in Ukraine, he said.
Beyond Europe, Baruel Poulsen said that the new fund will invest in the United States and Australia, markets where renewable energies and batteries in terms of plan and batteries should play an increasing role in demanding demand in the energy system.
Wind turbines and solar energy are electricity sources with the fastest growth in the world at a time when energy consumption should go up to monitor with new sources of demand such as data centers. In the United States, annual wind farm additions are expected to increase by around 40% this year compared to 2024, according to Bloombergnef, while Solar will see a 10% increase to a record of 54.4 new capacity added.
Despite the difficult political situation in the United States, we continue to be optimistic about the energy transition, said Bianca Ziccarelli, director general of Canada Pension Plan Investments on Thursday, in a panel from the World Summit of Investor of Infrastructure in Berlin. We have been fairly busy and continue to find good opportunities in renewable energies.
(Updates with the commentary on the hedge fund to the tenth paragraph and transmit the details below.)
2025 Bloomberg LP
Sources 2/ https://www.energyconnects.com/news/renewables/2025/march/green-investors-are-finding-bargains-in-trump-s-big-oil-era/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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