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Trump administrator removes the prohibition on segregation of government contracts

Trump administrator removes the prohibition on segregation of government contracts



Trump removes the ban on separate installations in government contracts

The Trump administration has removed a requirement prohibiting separate installations in new government contracts, however, segregation remains illegal under US law.

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The Trump administration no longer requires an explicit ban on separate installations in new government contracts.

The Memo of February 15 of the US General Services Administration (GSA) was reported for the first time by NPR on Tuesday.

Segregation is still illegal in the United States and the entrepreneurs of the MEMO states are always subject to civil rights laws and non-discrimination.

But the GSA directive, which manages the federal properties and the sources of the procurement options for other agencies, came in response to one of President Donald Trump's executive decrees aimed at reducing diversity, equity and inclusion in the federal government. Here's what you need to know about the order:

After the anti-dei order, Nix federal agencies are not the segregation of the 1960s.

The memo indicates that the modifications made to contracts and conditions of request for federal agencies are necessary after the executive decree of January 21 of Trump entitled “put an end to illegal discrimination and to restore the opportunities based on merit”.

With other programs that Trump considered as part of the umbrella of diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility, the order revoked the executive decree of the equal employment opportunities of 1965 signed by former president Lyndon B. Johnson. Johnson's ordinance demanded that government contracts include the language of non-discrimination.

In its place, such as the spell, the contracts “do not include” provisions, including 52,222-21, the ban on separate installations, which includes toilets, drinking fountains and transport.

The lawyer for civil rights Ben Crump posted on X on the measure, saying: “This change sends a clear message.”

The Council of Muslim Civil Rights and Defenders of American-Islamic Relations also criticized the measure.

“While our nation unfortunately becomes more divided and polarized, the last thing we need is any effort that could be perceived as allowing racial segregation, the national director of communications of Saidcair Ibrahim Hooper in a declaration sent by e-mail. We must not transform the clock at a time in the history of our nations when racism and white supremacy were written in laws and contracts.

But GSA spokesperson Stephanie Joseph defended the measure claiming that double regulations in the Federal Acquisition Regulations, the regulatory standard for government suppliers have put an “unnecessary burden” for American companies working with the government.

“This is why the reform of (Federal Acquisition Regulations) is such a high priority for GSA and this administration,” Joseph said in a statement in USA Today. “We move at the speed of the need to quickly cancel the harmful policies of the previous administration. The entire clause in question was initially implemented due to an EO under an old administration.”

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Contribution: Reuters

Kinsey Crowley is a press journalist at USA Today. Access it to Follow it on x and tiktok @KinSEYCROWLEY or Bluesky at @ kinSEYCROWLEY.BSKY.SOCIAL.




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