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India crosses 1 billion tonnes in coal production for the 2010 financial year, Modi is a moment of pride

India crosses 1 billion tonnes in coal production for the 2010 financial year, Modi is a moment of pride



India officially crossed 1 billion tonnes of coal production during the current financial year 2024-25, an important step that the center has confirmed today. CNBC-TV18 first pointed out this development yesterday through government sources.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi praised the realization as a “moment of pride” for India, stressing the country's commitment to energy security and autonomy.

“The crossing of the monumental milestone of 1 billion tonnes of coal production is a remarkable achievement, highlighting our commitment to energy security, economic growth and autonomy,” said Modi in an article on X. He credited the workforce in the coal sector for their role in achieving this objective.
India, which produced 997.83 million tonnes of coal in 2023-24 (April 2023 to March 2024), now joined China as the only countries to exceed 1 billion tonnes in annual production.

Coal remains the main energy source in India, fueled electricity production and several key industries.

The Minister of the Union of the Coal and Mines G Kishan Reddy, who officially announced the milestone today, said that India had not only increased production, but has also focused on sustainable exploitation. “This achievement will feed our growing power requests, will stimulate economic growth and ensure a better future for each Indian,” said Reddy.

With summer, the demand for electricity has already started to increase across the country. Yesterday, coal stocks in power plants amounted to 49 million tonnes, enough for 21 days of consumption.

Under its coal action plan for the 2010 exercise, the government set a production target of 1,080 million tonnes. While India continues to import coal to meet cutting -edge summer demand, the government aims to achieve coal self -sufficiency by 2026 thanks to an increase in domestic production and an expansion of renewable energy sources.

The country's peak power demand for 2025 was projected at 273 GW. To alleviate coal dependence and reduce exposure to world volatile prices, the government has accelerated investments in renewable energies.




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