Trump threatens the MJ pressing judge to obtain answers to the deportations of SalvadorExBulletin

The chief judge of the Washington Federal District Court, DC, faces calls for dismissal after blocked one of President Trump's immigration plans.
Mary Louise Kelly, host:
The federal judge who paused on one of President Trump's immigration plans attracts a lot of attention. Judge James Boasberg, of Washington, DC, faces calls for his indictment simply because he ruled against the White House. The correspondent for justice NPR, Carrie Johnson, has been covering the judge for some time. She is there to spend time with us and tell us what she learned. Hey, Carrie.
Carrie Johnson, Byline: Hey there.
Kelly: present us in more detail to Judge Boasberg.
Johnson: His name is James Boasberg, but his friends call him Jeb. He actually shared a house with the future judge of the Supreme Court Brett Kavanaugh when they attended the Yale Law School together.
Kelly: Wow.
Johnson: and Boasberg served for more than five years as a prosecutor when he undertook some of DC's most difficult cases of homicide in the late 1990s. NPR spoke with a friend of the judge. His name is Ron Machen, and he shared an office with the judge when they were prosecutors. Here's what Machen told me.
Ron Machen: You know, it's a guy who has devoted his life to the public service, it could be the general partner of any company in the city earning millions of dollars. But he devoted his life to serving people.
Johnson: Boasberg became a judge for the first time when a republican president George W. Bush appointed him to the municipal court here in Washington many years ago.
Kelly: He was therefore initially appointed by a republican president. Interesting because the current republican president calls him, and I quote “a radical crazy madman”. What was his record on the bench?
Johnson: I should note that the Senate unanimously confirmed Boasberg at the Federal Court in 2011 during the Obama years. This vote was 96 to 0. And since then, he ruled both for and against Donald Trump and Trump's interests. One of his biggest decisions as chief judge of the Dist court here at DC has paved the way for a testimony of great jury of the former vice-president Mike Pence. It was part of the investigation of Trump's role in the attack on the American Capitol four years ago.
But the judge also took the side of Trump for years earlier in a dispute over Trump's personal income statements. And Boasberg also ordered the government to examine thousands of emails from Hillary Clinton – which is part of an investigation into its use of a personal server when it was Secretary of State.
Kelly: Now, at this current moment, this is a case on immigration which has the judge under national spotlights. What is at stake in this case?
Johnson: This is a fight against the use by the Trump administration of the Act respecting extraterrestrial enemies to expel hundreds of alleged members of Venezuelans gangs in Salvador. It is not clear how many of these men really belong to this gang or that they had a previous criminal record. The judge said they are really difficult problems because a president has a lot of power over immigration and national security. The judge decided to put a temporary break on the flights of the United States, but the government may have flouted one of his orders which he gave on the bench to stop thefts or transform planes that were already in the air.
Kelly: Okay, and how did the judge replied?
Johnson: Boasberg asked specific answers from the Ministry of Justice on this subject, but the Doj does not want to provide everything the judge asked. White House’s press secretary Karoline Leavitt said that week of millions of Americans voted for Trump's difficult immigration plans. Here is more of what she had to say.
(Soundbit of archived registration)
Karoline Leavitt: the judges of this country act by mistake. We have judges who act as activists supporting the bench. They are trying to dictate the policy of the President of the United States. They try to clearly browse the slowdown in the agenda of this administration, and it is unacceptable.
Kelly: And Carrie, as we can hear there, things have degenerated very quickly to the point that there are now calls – including the president – to dismiss this judge, and that the judiciary repels?
Johnson: It's true. Texas republican legislator presented this week of dismissal articles against Judge Boasberg. There were only 15 distribution of federal judges of history, mainly for things like taking bribes or corruption. And withdrawing a judge would need a two -thirds vote of the Senate. This will not happen given the calculations in the Senate this year, but even the threat of dismissal is a problem according to current and old judges.
Kelly: And why is it? What do you mean to people inside the judiciary?
Johnson: Well, chief judge John Roberts has actually taken the rare step to speak to say that dismissal is not an appropriate response when you do not agree with the decision of a judge. This is what the call process is used, he said. Trump's allies nevertheless propose the dismissal of at least half a dozen other judges who ruled against Trump or the Doge team this year. The judges tell me that they are worried about this stormy rhetoric. They are really worried that could lead to violence against themselves or their families.
Kelly: Carrie Johnson de NPR. Thank you, Carrie.
Johnson: Thank you for doing me.
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