No Bligh for intimidation | Editorial

The recently appointed Prime Minister, Stuart Young, is accused of having intimidated a classmate insofar as the victim once retaliated with extreme premeditated violence three decades ago.
Mr. Young did not admit that he had intimidated his colleague St Marys College (CIC), Imran Khan, but he did not denote it either and he did not provide evidence to contradict him and real -time reports of TNT Mirror. The weekly coverage of the newspapers included an report from the CIC director of CI Anthony de Verteuil and the content of a letter from the former dean of the discipline Llewellyn Mac Intosh, a alias short pants, to the father of Verteuil, on behalf of the victim.
The sister of the victims, Nadia Khan, brought the case to the public on Monday, shortly after the official escure of Mr. Young as Prime Minister. Since then, the experienced journalist and Mr. Khans classmate Lasana Liburd wrote a story in the first person of what he saw and knew, corroborating Mrs. Khans' account on behalf of his brother.
According to all the accounts available, Mr. Khan was sent home by the school and therefore prevented the CXC (Caribbean Examinations Council) exams. Mr. Young suffered injuries from a reprisal attack by Mr. Khans, but has made no consequences of the school for his alleged intimidation, then described by the father of Verteuil as teasing.
Mr. Young, in a press release published on Wednesday and in the responses to journalists at his first press conference after the cabinet yesterday, the public asked the public to move on. In this way, he invokes the behavior of the opposition chief Kamla Persad-Bissar who, eight months after his mandate as a Prime Minister, asked the country to move on to obstinate interrogations on the appointment of the Junior Reshmi Ramnarine employee at the head of the Strategic Service Agency (SSA). This is the position to which public figures are lacking when problems arise that leave them from the comfort zone of their discussion points.
Mr. Young repeatedly stresses that intimidation is the age of three decades, as if it erases its importance or makes it out of words. Instead, he wants to focus on what his government will do to improve cyber and other forms of intimidation. In the current state of things, 30 years later, Mr. Young seems uncomfortable, even to appoint the victim. And when he asked him questions about the intimidators in his government, he denounced an answer, more betraying discomfort with the subject.
Mr. Young would also see us considering him as a victim who also has feelings. But in the same way, a difficult childhood does not absorb an adult of responsibility for criminal behavior, the injuries to an author do not abuse this author of the responsibility of his offense.
While the public treats these revelations, it remains to be seen how Mr. Youngs Past will influence the perceptions of his leadership in the future.
And like all those who held the post of Prime Minister before him, he will soon learn that the public will decide alone when they have read and digested the content of his page and when they want to read the next chapter.
Sources 2/ https://trinidadexpress.com/opinion/editorials/no-bligh-for-bullying/article_1843757d-c1d0-4f79-8dae-98436448b259.html The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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