Bavalieali Dham program: the addresses of Prime Minister Narendra Modi

Bavali Dham program:Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi presented his comments during the Bavalieali Dham program linked to the Bharwad Samaj of Gujarat by video message today. Addressing the rally, Shri Modi has granted sincere greetings to Mahant Shri Ram Bapu Ji, the heads of the community and the thousands of faithful present.
He began by paying homage respectful to the traditions of the community of Bharwad and to venerated saints and the Mahants who devoted their lives to maintaining these traditions. Emphasizing the immense joy and pride associated with the historic Mahakumbh, Shri Modi pointed out on the significant occasion of Mahant Shri Ram Bapu Ji gave the title of Mahamandaleshwar during this sacred event, calling it a monumental achievement and a source of great happiness for all. He responded to my SHRI RAM BAPU JI and the families of the community, celebrating their contributions and their achievements.
Shri Modi said that in last week, Bhavnagar's land seemed to be transformed into Vrindavan by Lord Krishna, highlighting the community Bhagwat led by the community, describing the atmosphere as a devotion, where people have plunged into the essence of Krishna. Bavalieali is not only a religious site but a symbol of faith, culture and unity for the community of Bharwad and many others, he added.
The Prime Minister underlined, with the blessings of Naga Lakha Thakur, the sacred place of Bavalieali has always provided the Bharwad community with a real direction and an unlimited inspiration. He underlined the golden opportunity of the reconcript of the Shri Naga Lakha Thakur temple, calling for this an important opportunity. He noted dynamic celebrations during last week, praising the enthusiasm and energy of the community.
He also pointed out the ras made by thousands of women, describing it as a living incarnation of Vrindavan and a harmonious mixture of faith, culture and tradition, describing it as a source of immense joy and satisfaction. He underlined the contributions of artists who participated in the programs, giving life to events and transmitting messages in a timely manner to the company. The Prime Minister expressed his confidence that the community would continue to receive precious messages through the Bhagwat Katha. He gave a sincere assessment to all those involved, declaring that their efforts deserve endless distinctions.
Expressing his gratitude to Mahant Shri Ram Bapu Ji and the organizers of the Bavaliemi Dham event for having invited him to participate on this auspicious occasion, the Prime Minister transmitted his inability to attend himself due to parliamentary commitments. He assured that he would go to the future to pay tribute.
Shri Modi highlighted its longtime link with the community of Bharwad and Bavalieali Dham, welcoming the dedication of the community to the service, their love for nature and their commitment to the protection of cows, describing these values as beyond words. He pointed out the shared feeling that resonates deeply within the community.
Stressing the deep heritage of Naga Lakha Thakur, Shri Modi hailed his contributions as a service and inspiration light. He underlined the lasting impact of Thakur's efforts, who continue to remember and celebrate even after centuries. He shared his personal witness from the remarkable services rendered by Pujya Isu Bapu during the difficult times in Gujarat, in particular during periods of severe drought.
He noted the immense tests faced by regions like Dhandhuka and Rampur, where water shortage was a persistent problem. He congratulated the altruistic service of Pujya Isu Bapu to afflict, describing him as a divine act recognized and revered through Gujarat. The Prime Minister also underlined the dedication of Isu Bapu to the well-being of displaced communities, the education of their children, the conservation of the environment and the preservation of GIR cows. He pointed out that all aspects of Isu Bapu work reflect a deep tradition of service and compassion.
Evaluating the community of Bharwad for their unshakable commitment to hard work and sacrifice, emphasizing their constant progress and resilience, the Prime Minister recalled his past interactions with the community, where he encouraged them to pass manual sticks to the kissing of pens, symbolizing the importance of education. He expressed his pride in the new generation of the Bharwad community for having adopted this vision, children advancing in education. Shri Modi highlighted the need for additional progress, declaring that now even the girls in the community should hold computers in their hands.
He underlined the role of the community as protectors of nature and culture, applauding their embodiment of the tradition “Atithi Devo Bhava”. He noted the unique values of the community of Bharwad, where the ancients are taken care of within joint families, reflecting a spirit of service similar to the service of the divine. Recognizing the efforts of the community in preserving traditions while adopting modernity, Shri Modi congratulated initiatives such as the supply of inn installations to children of displaced families and to connect the community to new opportunities worldwide.
He expressed his desire for the girls of the community to excel in sport and underlined the potential he saw during Khel Mahakumbh in Gujarat. He also underlined the dedication of the community to livestock farming, in particular their efforts in the preservation of the Gir cow breed, which brought pride to the nation. He pointed out the global recognition of GIR cows and urged the community to extend the same care to their children as their cattle.
Stressing his deep link with the community of Bharwad, describing them as his family and his partners, Shri Modi pointed out on the rally at Bavalieali Dham, expressing his conviction that the community would support his vision of Viksit Bharat for the next 25 years. He stressed the importance of collective efforts, reiterating his declaration of the Red Fort on the “Sabka Prays” being the greatest force of the nation. The Prime Minister underlined the need to develop villages as the first step towards building a Viksit Bharat.
He underlined the government's free vaccination program for livestock to combat foot disease, urging the community to ensure regular vaccinations for their cattle. He described this initiative as an act of compassion and a means of receiving divine blessings. SHRI Modi also mentioned the introduction of Kisan credit cards for livestock elections, allowing them to access low interest loans to expand their companies. He stressed the importance of preserving the races of indigenous cattle and underlined the Gokul national mission as a key initiative for their conservation and their growth. He urged the community to take full advantage of these programs.
The Prime Minister reiterated the importance of planting trees, encouraging the community to plant trees in honor of their mothers. He described this as a way to restore the health of the Mother Earth, which has suffered due to excessive exploitation and chemical use. He underlined the value of natural agriculture and urged the community to adopt this practice to rejuvenate the land. Shri Modi praised the dedication of the Bharwad community in the service, highlighting the potential of the cattle dung as a resource to strengthen the soil. He congratulated the efforts of the Governor of Gujarat, Shri ACHARYA Devvrat in the promotion of natural agriculture and called on the community to contribute to this cause.
The Prime Minister extended his sincere research to the Bharwad community and prayed for the continuous blessings of Naga Lakha Thakur on everyone. He expressed his hope for the well-being and the progress of all the people associated with Bavalieali Dham. Shri Modi highlighted the importance of education, urging children from the community, in particular girls, to excel academically and to contribute to a stronger society. He pointed out that the empowerment of the community by modernity and strength is the way to follow. He concluded by expressing joy and gratitude for having been part of this auspicious opportunity, recognizing that his presence in person would have brought him even greater happiness
Sources 2/ https://thesamikhsya.com/special/bavaliyali-dham-programme-prime-minister-narendra-modi-addresses The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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