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Andy Burnham's astonishing rise in power as a major mayor of Manchester as a leader in the workplace to bring PM to fall

Andy Burnham's astonishing rise in power as a major mayor of Manchester as a leader in the workplace to bring PM to fall



After a torrid eight months in power, the approval notes of Sir Keir Starmer fell among the members of the party, a third now calling a new leader before the next general elections.

Among those who declared that a new chief should succeed Keir Starmer in the Party members poll for the part of the parties, more than half (56.65%) opted for the mayor of the Grand Manchester, Andy Burnham, although he is not a deputy.

This will surprise some that closely followed Burnham's political career.

The 55 -year -old man was congratulated for his leadership and politics initiatives over the years, the former work manager Neil Kinnock officially interrupting him in the elections in the management of 2015, writing in The guardian: “Work needs a Prime Minister, not a debate. He needs Andy Burnham.”

As a deputy, Burnham played a central role in the defense of justice for the victims of the Hillsborough disaster in 1989.

He also benefited from the country's travel management, being an eminent voice for the North under the conservatives who pay the agenda and work plans to extend the devolution to more regions of England.

And last year, Burnham refused to exclude a race for the Labor leader while the popularity of the Starmers dropped at levels below Rishi Sunak and Nigel Farage.

Andy Burnham

More than half of the Labor voters calling for a new Burnham leader, although he is not a deputy

Getty Images

Where did it all started?

Burnham was born on January 7, 1970 in Aintree, Liverpool, a telephone engineer father and a receptionist mother but grew up in the village of Cheshire de Culcheth.

Like many on the left, the British minors' strike from 19841985 was a formative experience for Burnham who galvanized his political conscience and led him to join the Labor Party at the age of 15.

By becoming a Labor deputy in 2001, Burnham assumed positions of junior government and quickly elected ranks.

As Gordon Brown became PM, Burnham was chief secretary of the Treasury (2007-2008). He then became Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (2008-2009) and, finally, Secretary of Health (2009-2010).

After the laboratory defeat in the May 2010 elections and Gordon Browns resigned as party leader, Andy Burnham threw his hat in the ring. He arrived fourth on the six candidates who present themselves in the race for management, losing against Ed Miliband.

Despite Kinnock's support, he lost his second leadership offer in 2015, finishing second ahead of Jeremy Corbyn.

However, this proved to be a disguised blessing, because the most distinguished chapter of this political career would follow its successful race for the mayor of the Grand Manchester in 2017.

During his elections in 2017, Burnham undertook to give 15% of his 110,000 annual wages to initiatives concerning homeless in the Grand Manchester. This commitment has been underway since its first term.

Developments of the latest members

Andy Burnham

The most distinguished chapter of Burnham's political career would follow his successful race for the mayor of the Grand Manchester in 2017

GB News

The mayor of the Grand Manchester entered the public's conscience during the Pandemic COVID-19 in October 2020.

His public confrontation with Prime Minister then conservative Boris Johnson for financial support at the Grand Manchester when the region was placed under more stringent level 3 restrictions earned him the nickname “North King”.

“What we have seen today is a deliberate act to level up,” said Burnham, who has not accepted a financial support package for 2.8 million people about to be put in an even more strict locking.

His refusal to rely on a government which commanded a majority of 80 places earned him applause within the party and demonstrated his leadership qualities.

Under the direction of Burnham, the Grand Manchester also launched plans to reorganize its bus services, moving to a franchise model similar to that of London.

This change aims to put the bus network under higher public control, allowing standardized rates, coordinated routes and improved services. The objective is to create a more efficient and friendly public transport system for the region.

This puts it to the left of Starmer, which has moved away from the nationalization of key services such as rail and public services while playing well for voters who feel disillusioned by conservative governments updating a plan which has promised to invest in regions outside London, but many believe that these promises have not materialized significantly.

It remains to be seen if all of this means that he is the right man for the first job, but the timing would be good auspicious: his third term is up in 2028 – a year before the next general elections.




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