The United States and Russia speak of the ceasefire, Israel advances ethnic cleaning in Gaza

On March 18, 2025, US President Donald Trump received an extended telephone call with Russia President Vladimir Putin, concerning how to end the American proxy war in Ukraine. The apparent result, as reported in the (functional) foreign press, was an agreement that Russia would not attack Ukrainian energy infrastructure during the period of a ceasefire, while the United States will end the shipment of arms and the sharing of intelligence with Ukraine for thirty days once an agreement will be concluded.
Three years before, in March 2022 – just a few weeks after the Russians launched their SMO (Special Military Operation), Russia and Ukraine negotiated an agreement To end the war. In response, the Americans sent British Prime Minister Boris Johnson to end the talks so that the parties can return to the war. The US under-secretary for European affairs, Victoria Nuland, said later that the reason why the Americans put an end to the agreement was because it forced the United States to withdraw offensive weapons targeting Ukraine Russia (the link was disappeared).
But even the New York Times finally managed to report the agreement (link above). At the time when the agreement was written, and before the Americans and the British ended it, somewhere about a million Ukrainians who are now dead were alive. The Nation of Ukraine was relatively not bad. And Europe did not yet channel the interwar period during which the Second World War was designed. A peace agreement in March 2022 would have benefited Ukraine enormously.
For Americans who hesitate to accept this framing, following the launch of Russia SMO, three foreign leaders, Angela Merkel (Germany), Francois Hollande (France), and Oil bennett (Israel), said publicly that the Minsk I and II agreements had been deceptions intended to make the Russians speak while Ukraine was armed by the United States, the Ukrainian army was formed by the CIA and CIA advanced installations were built On the Ukraines, head on Russia to facilitate American attacks against Russia.
In the present, national political round trips in the United States have returned to competing personalities rather than continuity and the differences in policy between administrations. Readers can remember the announcement in 2023 of the Biden administration concerning the American companies which had negotiated participation in the reconstruction of Ukraine. This is almost analogous to Donald Trumps Grotesque effort to obtain an economic gain in the destruction of Ukraine.
(If links are missing, thank the American IC (Intelligence Community). Unlike three hundred years of theories of what liberalism is, real American history has been systematically erased from the Internet. Relevant links from credible sources have existed or what is written here would not have been).
The framing of the current peace agreement seems to give Trump and Putin internal political coverage. If Mr. Putin passively accepts Minsk type deceptions once again, he would lose an important part of the 88% approval note that he has with the Russian people. And a large part of Donald won over support for the 2024 elections was generated by his promise to end the war in Ukraine. That its gap is genocide and the Second World War in Israel and the Middle East defines the moral and geopolitical tenor of the United States in 2025. Biden predicted exactly the same thing.
The next step for an American Russian peace agreement in Ukraine is that Donald Trump appoints negotiators, if he has not already done so. The property promoter and Special American Envoy in the Middle East, Steve Witkoff, will probably replace US Secretary of State Marco Rubio and Mike Waltz. This 98% of Mr. Trumps' team channels the discussion points of the CIA – Biden Administration with regard to the war illustrates the bipartite nature of the American foreign policy.
Readers will remember the assertion of the interests put forward by the permanent state in the United States which welcomed Trumps in the first mandate. Russiagate was a response from a powerful faction of the permanent government in the United States to Trump, as commander-in-chief, plunging into American foreign policy vis-à-vis Ukraine. Specling freely, Mr. Trumps agrees to relaunch the genocide of Biden administrations in the Middle East probably represents a compromise with the CIA to end the war in Ukraine, which the United States has lost.
With Russian interests in Syria and Iran likely to rely against American actions in Greater Israel, the United States settled with Russia in Ukraine is only a wider plan. According to military analysts Scott Ritter and Douglas Macgregor, the United States is out of arms for use in the type of war provided. (Withdrawn) Colonel Macgregor assumed that the United States had enough weapons to last 7 10 days. This lack of conventional weapons probably explains that Biden's administrations have threatened the climbing the use of nuclear weapons in its decreasing days.
At present, Israel has revived the American Israeli genocide in Gaza, while Israeli colonists continue to release the Palestinians from the West Bank. Mr. Trumps plans – implicit in his search for countries weak enough to be tiled by the arms to accept the displaced Palestinians, is among the most monstrous in human history. To understand the problem, imagine that if they were the Israelis who moved by force to Sudan? And the Americans?
The veracity of Mr. Trumps Fabulist Non-Sens concerning the really pleasant place to which the Palestinians will be moved (if anywhere can be found who will accept them) is denied by the states that his administration is approaching to receive them. The precise number of Trump rounds currently existing in Sudan, Somalia and Somaliland is zero. This is also the number of times Trump has visited these nations.
As with the war by proxy in Ukraine, how much Israel would go further with its genocide without support from the United States? In theory, the campaign contributions of wealthy supporters of Israel determine American politics about it (the Israeli lobby). And this framing is sometimes useful for identifying local villains. But if Israel really does not need the United States to finish its genocide, why do the United States participate not only, but funded, provide and coordinate Israeli military campaigns for this purpose?
Wednesday morning, reports have American Israelis who kill four hundred Palestinians in a single strike in Palestine. This is a continuation of the American genocide that Joe Biden has launched, and that Donald Trump now has his name. The continuity of the policy should make distinctions made between the branches of the American Unitarty Moot. If the left wants to maintain a political struggle in the field of electoral policy controlled by Unicarty, have you. The bet here is that the blue team can realize zero votes in 2028. While waiting for Mr. Trump to implode so that the Pete concentration camp has its turn as a nation is free fall.
Sources 2/ https://www.counterpunch.org/2025/03/21/us-and-russia-speak-on-ceasefire-israel-advances-ethnic-cleansing-in-gaza/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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