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Applications of illegal Paris The actors, celebrities and Telugu influencers are under emergency projectors | Hyderabad News

Applications of illegal Paris The actors, celebrities and Telugu influencers are under emergency projectors | Hyderabad News



The Directorate of the Application of the Act should investigate the actors of Tollywood and the influencers of the social media to approve illegal Paris applications, following several complaints and financial losses reported by Hyderabad: the Directorate of the Application of Laws (ED) has decided to investigate the approval of illegal Paris applications by Tollywood actors and social media influencers. The sources indicate that ED will soon record information reports on cases of application (ECIRS) and will make the summons to the actors involved. The agency will initiate procedures under the law on the prevention of money laundering (PMLA) on the basis of the predicate offenses recorded by the police in Hyderabad and Visakhapatnam. In Telangana, four cases were recorded in Miyapur, Panjagutta, Noothankal and Cyberabad Cyber ​​Crime police stations. Another case was recorded with the Visakhapatnam cybercrime division. The surveys have revealed heavy financial losses suffered by the victims, due to the promotion of the Paris platforms by these celebrities. Cyberabad's police book YouTuber Harsha Saion on December 11, 2024, Bandaru Venkatesh, a restaurant, filed a complaint against YouTuber Kathira Harsha Sai. He said he lost Rs 13.67,300 by investing in Paris platforms like Parimatch and Lotus 365 after following Links shared by Sai. He alleged that Sai falsely depicted these platforms as legal and misleading subscribers with winning allegations made. Following a media report exposing the involvement of the knows, Venkatesh asked for an investigation into the financial transactions of influencers. The complaint stressed that Sunny Yadav used social media, including Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and Telegram, to promote Paris applications and mislead young people. His promotions have promised easy money thanks to a minimum of investments. The police investigation suggested that young people influenced by his videos were faced with financial losses and, in some cases, suicides were linked to these activities.Network worth thousands of crores: Plainanton on March 17, 2025, Vinay Vangala, a private employee, filed a complaint in Miyapur concerning the promotions of widespread Paris. He observed that students from his training center frequently discussed Paris applications. His complaint appointed several influencers promoting these platforms, including Imran Khan, Vishnu Priya, Shyamala, Tasty Teja and others. He allegedly allegedly alleged thousands of crores were circulating in these Paris networks. Police launched an investigation to trace financial transactions and unregulated promotions. The complaint of the resident of Miyapur on March 19, 2025, Prime Minister Phanindra Sarma de Miyapur, filed a petition indicating that the young locals actively investigated in Paris and game applications promoted by celebrities. It was itself influenced by such promotions, but has refrained from investing due to family warnings. The complainant identified several actors and influencers who would have approved Paris platforms, including Rana Daggubati, Prakash Raj, Vijay Deverakonda, Manchu Lakshmi, Pranitha and several personalities from social media. The case was registered under various sections of BNS, the Telangana game Act and article 66 (d) of the IT Act. The Vizag resident loses more than RS 3 Croorepuli Kumar Reddy Reddy of Visakhapatnam said losses of RS 3.09 crosses due to online and offline on four years. He allegedly alleged that bookmakers have deceived him and that social media influencers, notably the local BO Nani, have promoted Paris applications like Dafabet, 1xbet and Betway. Reddy and his friends have invested substantial amounts in these platforms but have undergone losses. His complaint required measures against promoters and online Paris unions. Authorities recorded a case and launched an investigation. Clarification of Vijay Deverakondafolder his mention in the Miyapur case, the actor Vijay Deverakondas team published a declaration specifying that its A23 approval was strictly for a legal and skills-based play platform. His legal team confirmed that the Supreme Court had distinguished games based on the skills of the game. In addition, the Deverakondas association with A23 ended in 2023, and it no longer approves such platforms.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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