What is Donald Trump's approval rating today? What do the latest polls say?
Trump threatens 200% wine rate on the EU
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Presidential approval notes give an overview of how Americans really feel a given day, often motivated by their management of the problems to be accomplished. Here's how Trump questions after his first two months in power.
Despite the chaotic start of his second mandate, mired with the high price of eggs, mass dismissals of civil servants, the assault of prices and commercial wars, and the fiasco of the meeting of Zelensky, and the growing fears of a recession, the note of presidential approval of Trump has remained stable and, in some cases, his highest note to date.
According to the most recent polls this week, Fox News reported that 49% approved Trump's professional performance against 51% that does not. Among the democrats interviewed, a huge 92% disapproved compared to 8% that approved. The exact opposite has shown republicans with a favorability of 92%.
It may be remarkable that among the self -employed of this survey, 38% approve of Trump's presidential performance against 61% that does not.
The survey also revealed that 68% of Americans are concerned about the use by Trump of decrees greater than 90 in the first two months, against 31% that were not.
Another faction of the survey has shown that vice-president JD vances is 45% approval ratings against 53% that disappeared. The architect Doge Elon Musk had a 40% approval rating against 58% who disapproved and the Secretary of State Marco Rubio was even with an approval rate of 47% and an disapproval rate of 47%.
Here is what the most recent polls on Trump's presidential notes are showing at the moment.
What is Trump's current presidential approval rating?
NBC News national survey shows Trump's approval to 47%, more registered voters consider the United States as heading in the right direction since the beginning of 2004. Although the majority of Americans still say that the country is on the wrong track and has a higher rate of 51% which disappears from its performance as president at the moment, according to the report.
The survey shows that despite the slightly higher disapproval figures on the overall performance of Trump's presidential employment, the margin is closer than to any other time in his first mandate. Other notable results of the survey include an increased number of Republicans identifying themselves in Maga, more Americans “have come” on its expulsion -focused immigration policies and they like the general concept behind the Ministry of Government and Trump's efforts to reduce government jobs and expenses.
A survey result in particular has shown that voters are very uniformly divided on the mid-term elections of 2026 as a divided Democratic Party, confronted with record popularity, tries to understand how to react to Trump. This low record shows only 27% of registered voters positively looking at the Democratic Party, among a total which included 59% of self-identified democrats.
The most recent Reuters / Ipsos survey shows that despite a 44% stable approval rating since taking office, other areas of its performance at work have changed. Americans see its management of the economy, for example, increased from 43% at the end of January to 39% this week.
When asked if Trump's movements to shake the economy were too erratic, the polls show that 57%. Asked about the prices, 32% thought they were a good idea against 53% who thought they were bad. And 53% of those questioned estimated that the prices would do more harm than good, while 31% did not do so.
In an SSRS / CNN survey, 45% approve of his work as president against 54% who disapproves. There was a notable difference in approval on more specific subjects, such as 51% approved by its manipulation of immigration, 48% approved its treatment for the federal budget and 45% approved how it managed the economy.
Trump's struggle in the survey presented itself in its tariff management with an approval of 39% against 61% which disappeared.
The Realclear survey, which includes 13 different pollsters, including those mentioned above, shows Trump's favorability at 47.9% against 48.8% who disapprove of to date.
Note: the polls are constantly changing and different pollsters require different varieties of the population. These figures were reflected on Monday March 21, 2025 at 9 a.m.
Sources 2/ https://www.northjersey.com/story/news/2025/03/21/what-is-trump-approval-rating-today-what-polls-say-now-president-trumps-current-approval-rating-doge/82587994007/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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