Putin Trump now wants to attract to his trap with empty promises

Wladimir Putin broke the agreed suspension of energy attacks and infrastructure shortly after being discussed with us, Prsident Donald Trump. But the real danger is still ahead of us. The boss of Kremlin wants to attract Trump to a trap with empty promises.
A week earlier, Americanndler America and Ukraine agreed on a 30-day ceasefire in a conflict that has been going on for three years. Trump had announced that he would prove Russia with new hard sanctions if it did not lead.
In this case, he gave in. Even Boris Johnson, a former British Prime Minister, who admires Trump, said Putin makes fun of us.
Putin's words show that he is not ready to compromise
Instead of an unconditional ceasefire, Trump and Putin only agreed that the two parties should be able to attack the energy infrastructure on the other side-an area in which Ukraine has given the heavy slices attacker.
For other stages, according to the Russian government, Ukraine must freeze to freeze the aid to the exhausted militia and the end of military service and compulsory training, although Russia does not suggest such beliefs.
Putin also wants a solution to the fundamental causes of the conflict, which means that it actually means the end of Ukraine as an independent country. These are not the words of a man ready to compromise.
The real danger is still ahead of us
Trump also suggested that nuclear power plants should go to their protection on the American property and said that he would try to obtain patriotic rockets in Europe.
In fifthness, he refrained from undertaking Putin's requests in Ukraine.
However, the real danger is still ahead of us. Putin wants to ensure that the American PRS is more important to do as a greater state than to discuss a hopeless place like Ukraine.
The boss of the Kremlin extends Trump's hand
As long as they do not bother, Russia and America can achieve almost everything together. Russia could help the crisis solution in the Middle East and Darber and perhaps its friend, which Iran can do without the bomb.
American investments in Russian companies, e.g. B. In the development of gas deposits in the Arctic, they could be promoted. The sanctions have been canceled and Russia could again be included in the G7.
Imagine that Russia would be its unlimited partnership with China Lsen. The Second World War, a constant concern of Trump, was avoided.
Putin Trump wants to attract to his trap with empty promises
However, all of this is only a cerebral climb that Trump should try to give Putin in the return of empty promises of what he wants in Ukraine. The reality is that Russia is now more abundant by China that it will never disappear from America and that it will not separate from China.
The influence of Russia on Iran is limited. The Russian economy is smaller than Italy and is subject to the mood of a despot, so that the possibilities are weak.
On the contrary, when Trump loosens the pressure that the West has exerted on Russia in the context of these chimneys will lose America. First of all, there will be another corner between America and Europe that Trump will not follow.
Ukraine is destabilized, which constitutes a danger to all of Europe. The bond and the values for which America has campaigned for decades is Sessed and America itself is swept.
Trump must be the same, but the risk of being weak, as his vorgnger Joe Biden did it when the Taliban in Afghanistan certainly prohibit.
In the Weaien Haus report on the telephone call with Russia, an enormous economic and geopolitical stabilization has been talked about when peace has been reached.
It seems clear what Putin wants. It is strange that Trump seems so ready to give it to him.
Sources 2/ https://www.focus.de/politik/ausland/die-wahre-gefahr-liegt-noch-vor-uns-mit-leeren-versprechungen-will-putin-trump-jetzt-in-seine-falle-locken_61115622-925e-4245-9b70-d135c1418066.html The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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