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CM Revanth Reddy Questions PM Narendra Modis Growth Claims, quotes the employment crisis | Hyderabad News

CM Revanth Reddy Questions PM Narendra Modis Growth Claims, quotes the employment crisis | Hyderabad News



CM Revanth Reddy Questions PM Narendra Modis Growth Claims, quotes the employment crisis

Hyderabad: One day after the Governor of Congress presented RS 3.05 Lakh budget on Thursday, the Minister -in -Chief A Revanth Reddy said Thursday that the State had paid RS 1.55 Lakh crores, both interest and the director, during the last year of debts, and this situation made it difficult to note market loans.
Addressing new employees who have received compassionate jobs in the Panchayat Raj services and the municipal administration, the CM said: “People say that I should not openly share difficult truths, but I want to be transparent with you. If this money was available for the government, I could have given up farmers' loans in a few hours and House.”
“There is no advantage in hiding reality. When loans at low interest rates from 3% to 5% are accessible through institutions such as the World Bank, the then (BRS) has taken a large loan for Kaleswaram at an interest rate of 11% because this mechanism does not require a detailed project and implies corruption.
Revanth also expressed his concern about RS 8,000 crores awaiting retirement services.
“Due to the burden of loans, we only publish small amounts for pensions to retired employees. Each year, 1,000 employees retire and even an employee of Grade IV is entitled to benefits worth 50 Lakh of RS.
Indirectly criticizing the president of BRS who works KT Rama Rao, he said: “These people invest their black money in WhatsApp and social media campaigns. They accuse us for retired employees who protested the secretariat to ask the payment of bills. They can protest because I believe in democracy and I want people to express their grievances. Police, and nothing has changed since the cabinet changed.
Bringing down the allegations of BRS according to which he has no control over governance and that people were unhappy, he asked: “Why would people be unhappy with me? To give up farmers' loans or to provide appointments to 53,000 employees? It is ironic that they claim that I lack governance skills. I work 18 hours a day at the secretariat and the government.




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