The Trump administration rejects the request for water Mexico

The United States has refused a request from Mexico for water after supplies under a reached treaty at the cut-off point for special deliveries.
Newsweek contacted the Mexican president's office to comment by e-mail.
Why it matters
It comes when Trump adopted a difficult approach to Mexico. Its administration has restored the policy of “staying in Mexico”, officially known as migrant protection protocols, which forces asylum seekers to stay in Mexico while their American immigration cases are treated. In addition, the administration ended the practices of “capture and release”, which previously allowed the migrants detained to be released in the United States pending immigration procedures.
Trump also intensified efforts to extend the border wall, adding new barriers along the southern border. Meanwhile, he struck Mexico with new prices which, according to him, are designed to reduce the flow of drugs above the border. The prices could push Mexico into a technical recession this year, according to analysts.
Trump's new decision opens up the possibility of a new battle between Mexico and the Trump administration on border issues.
What to know
The US State Department announced Thursday that it would refuse Mexico's request for a special water delivery from River Colorado to Tijuana for the first time.
Under a 1944 treaty entitled The Treatise on the Use of the Waters of the Rivers of Colorado and Tijuana and the Rio Grande, the United States and Mexico share water from the Colorado river and the Rio Grande. Tijuana depends on the Colorado river for around 90% of its water.
Under the treaty, the United States is required to deliver 1.5 million acres of water to Mexico each year and Mexico is required to deliver an average of 350,000 acres to water in the United States each year over a period of five years.
But the treaty has been subjected to increasing pressure in recent years, Mexico delaying its water payments due to drought conditions in the arid north of the country.
President Donald Trump has a decree in the east room from the White House in Washington, Thursday, March 20, 2025. President Donald Trump holds an executive decree in the east house from the White House in Washington, Thursday, March 20, 2025. Jose Luis Magana /
A post of the Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs on X declared that Mexico's request for special water delivery has been refused because the country's repeated gaps in its water deliveries under the treaty “decimating American agriculture – in particular farmers in the Rio Grande Valley”.
Mexico's request was a request for non-grease, which means that Mexico sought additional water beyond what is guaranteed under the treaty. Under the treaty, during the surplus period, Mexico can receive additional water, while during serious droughts, deliveries can be reduced proportionally.
Mexico president Claudia Sheinbaum said on Thursday that the gaps in her country were due “there was less water”.
The Colorado river, a keywater source for Los Angeles and Las Vegas, has decreased due to drought and heavy agricultural use in the southwest of the United States, almost half of its water used to raise beef and dairy cattle.
Consequently, farmers in southern Texas are increasingly concerned about the future of cotton, citrus and other crops without more coherent water delivery from Mexico. A year ago, the last South South Texas closed its doors, the operators accusing a lack of delivery of water from Mexico.
In an article on X, the Senator of Texas Ted Cruz praised the Department of State Water decision, declaring that “the farmers of Texas are in crisis due to the non-compliance of Mexico”. He promised to work with the Trump administration to put pressure on Mexico to fulfill its water obligations and ensure that Texas farmers receive the water they need.
Agriculture Secretary Brooke Rollins criticized Mexico on X, declaring that he had not respected the 1944 water Treaty, making American farmers suffer. She warned that by virtue of the Trump administration, business partners who do not comply with their obligations will be held responsible.
What people say
The western hemisphere office said on X: “The continuous gaps of Mexico in its water deliveries under the 1944 Cashing Treaty decimating American agriculture – in particular farmers in the Rio Grande Valley.
The Texas senator, Ted Cruz, wrote on X: “Excellent. As I said yesterday, this option is absolutely what the Trump administration needs to put Mexico to fulfill its obligations under the 1944 water treaty. Texas farmers are in crisis due to the non-conformity of Mexico. I will work with the Trump administration to put mexic to Mexico to comply with Texas. ” “”
The Secretary of Agriculture, Brooke Rollins, said on X: “Mexico has failed to maintain its end of the treaty, and American farmers have undergone the consequences. Mexico has been authorized to get away with it in the years spent, but these days are finished. Under this @ Potus, any trading partner who will not be held responsible.”
What happens next
Mexico has not yet responded to the refusal of the Trump administration of its request.
Sources 2/ https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-water-mexico-treaty-2048567 The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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