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The Pakistans Quest of alliances and the evolution of relations with Trkiye

The Pakistans Quest of alliances and the evolution of relations with Trkiye



Author: Dr Shalini Chawla, Fellow Distinguished Fellow, Center for Air Power Studies Keywords: Pakistan-Trkiye Relations, Pakistan Defense Modernization, Pakistan Military, Turkish Kaan, Edrogan Pakistan probably knows the worst phase of multidimensional crises. The country fights instability in itself with political disorders posed by Imran Khans persistent calls for re-election. The state of the economy is alarming high debt figures and incessant Pakistans with regard to external assistance. The security situation is difficult, with Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) launching incessant terrorist attacks targeting security personnel. The number and nature of the TTP attacks in 2025 do not indicate any change in the posture of the TTPS, even after the Pakistani army has carried out counter-terrorist military operations and claims to have carried out thousands of intelligence operations. For the first time, the four provinces are faced with troubles. The bastion of TTPS at Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) is well recognized. In Balutchistan, the separatist groups were active, the Baloutche resentment against the establishment increases, and there have been reports on the groups of Splinder collaborating with the TTP. The recent diversion of Jaffar Express raises many questions about the evolutionary dimensions of the Baloutche insurrection. The Sindh has seen a series of demonstrations opposing governments plans to build channels on the Indus River. In Punjab, the sharifs and the establishment strive to strengthen their influence. Outside, the foreign relations of the Pakistans suffered a blow under the blow under the former Prime Minister Imran Khan. Relations with the United States has been tense, Khan accusing the United States of conspiracy. Khans' position on the creation of a parallel alliance with Trkiye and Malaysia did not go well with Saudi Arabia. The last months have experienced desperate efforts of Pakistans to extend its external presence, establish new relationships and revive its economic and strategic partnerships. There have been efforts to build new alliances that we have seen in the case of the awareness of Pakistans in Bangladesh. Islamabad meticulously tries to rekindle his relations with the United States. His red carpet Welcome to the Turkish President who led to the signing of several agreements indicates that eagerness strengthens its existing alliances. Pakistan relations with Trkiye have evolved over time, given the mutual strategic interests and the ideological empathy that the two countries share. Trkiye and Pakistan shared stable economic and defense ties and collaborated on defense technology and joint ventures. Pakistan is the second largest beneficiary of exports of Trkiye weapons (2020-2024).[1] There has been constant development in cooperation areas, and it would be useful to mention some of the critical developments. Trkiye was active in the upgrading of F-16s for Pakistan and provided Pakistan advanced drones, including Bayraktar, TB2 and Akinci. In 2016, an agreement would have been signed for the intermediate upgrade of the agosta 90-B submarines of the Pakistani navy by the Turkish firm STM.[2]
In 2022, Trkiye received the delivery of the first three aircraft trainer from 52 MF1-17 Super Mushshak which was ordered in 2017.[3] Pakistan has sucked in fifth generation planes and discussed with Trkiye for the possible export of Turk Kaan manufactured by Turkish aerospace industries (TAI or TUSA).[4] There is information that the two nations will set up a joint factory to produce Turkish Kaan.[5]
The visit of Turkish president Erdogan in February 2025 in Pakistan marked the seventh round of the High Level Strategic Cooperation Council of Pakistan-Türkiye. Twenty-four agreements and memorandums of understanding between the two countries have been signed, highlighting collaboration in various sectors, including defense, intelligence, trade, tourism, science and technology. Erdogan announced that the objective was to extend the commercial volume between the two countries to 5 billion USD.[6]
Trkiyes Diplomatic and strategic choices are shaped by the complexities of geopolitical developments, its involvement in Syria, tensions with Russia and Iran, as well as its eagerness to be close to the organization of Islamic Council (OIC). Ankaras' economic interest in Pakistan cannot be ignored and it potentially considers Pakistan as a connector in Asia to extend its exports. Pakistan is trying to expand its alliances, create new relationships and feed existing links. Its growing relationship with Trkiye will contribute to its modernization of defense and its strategic positioning. Although Pakistan is a beneficiary of a coherent supply of Chinese defense equipment, it seems that the Pakistani army wishes to extend the defense channels. Evolutionary bilateral relations will not only help shape the military modernization of Pakistans, but will also support the diplomatic posture of Pakistans. This is particularly important given the efforts of Erdogans to position himself as the head of the Islamic world. Recent comments from Erdogans on cashmere have been provocative for India. In February 2025, the Turkish President during his visit to Pakistan said that the question of cashmere should be addressed according to the United Nations resolution by dialogue and keeping in mind the aspirations of the people of Kashmir.[7] It remains to be seen to what extent Trkiye can go in terms of alienation from New Delhi, given its birth to join the multilateral forums, including the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa). Although India has well balanced its security situation and its strategic interests so far, recent developments are crucial and need particular attention in India security policies and diplomatic positioning.


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[1] Mathew George, Katarina Djokic, Zain Hussain, Pieter D. Wezeman and Siemon T. Wezeman, Trends in International Arms Transfers, 2024, Sipri Fact FIP ​​Marss 2025, p. 2, 2025, Accessed March 20, 2025.

[2] Mateem Haider, Turley to buy Super Mushshak trainers in Pakistan, Dawn, July 15, 2016, Accessed March 03, 2024.

[3] Tayfun Zberk, Super Mushshak Trainer Aircraft deliveries to Turkish Air Force, Shepard, November 11, 2022,–urkish-ir–corce-connce/. Accessed March 03, 2024.

[4] SAKSHI TIWARI, after the furtive J-35A of China, Pakistan discusses the acquisition of 5th generation of Turkey KAAN: Reports, The Eurasian Times, January 09, 2025, Accessed March 02, 2025.

[5] Turkiye, Pakistan to establish a joint factory for the production of Kaan Fighter Jet, Memo Middle East Monitor, January 22, 2025, Accessed March 10, 2025.

[6] Arshad Mahmood, Pakistan and Turkey forge stronger links with 24 agreements, Themedialine, February 25, 2025, Accessed March 12, 2025.

[7] PTI, Turkiyes Edrogan urges India, Pakistan to solve cashmere through dialogue, The Hindu, February 13, 2025, Accessed March 1, 2025.

(Notice of non-responsibility: the opinions and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the position of the Center for Air Power Studies [CAPS]))




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