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Trump cancels the executive decree after the law firm agrees to provide $ 40 million in free services | Donald Trump

Trump cancels the executive decree after the law firm agrees to provide $ 40 million in free services | Donald Trump



Donald Trump has canceled a decree targeting a leading democratic law firm after agreeing to provide $ 40 million in free legal services to support its administrative objectives.

The White House has targeted law firms whose lawyers have provided legal work that Trump does not agree. Last week, he made a prescription threatening to suspend the active security clearances of lawyers in Paul, Weiss and to terminate the federal contracts of the company.

But the president suddenly reversed the course following a meeting between Trump and Brad Karp, president of the law firm Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison, on the order of the White House.

Trumps Order distinguished the work of Mark Pomerantz, who previously worked in the cabinet and who supervised an investigation by the Manhattan district prosecutors' office on Trumps finances before Trump became president. Pomerantz once compared the president to a boss of the crowd.

To avoid the consequences of the order of Trumps, the White House said that the company had agreed to take a wide range of pro bono questions which represent the full spectrum of the political views of our society. The company would have agreed to disavow the use of considerations of diversity, equity and inclusion in its hiring and promotion decisions and to devote the equivalent of $ 40 million to free legal services to support Trump administration policies on issues, including assistance to veterans and the fight against anti -Semitism.

The company, said the White House, also recognized the reprehensible acts of Pomerantz, the partner involved in the Trumps Shush-Money payments to an adult cinema actor. It was not clear if Karp was aware of this statement.

In a press release published by the White House, Karp said: We are satisfied that the president agreed to withdraw the decree concerning Paul, Weiss. We are impatiently awaiting a fiancée and constructive relationship with the president and his administration.

The company becomes the last business target to make concessions to the president to avoid anger.

Meta and ABC have paid payments to Trumps Future Presidential Library to end the proceedings brought by Trump. Other technological and financial companies have publicly returned DEI programs in accordance with Trumps' political interests.

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Previous decrees targeted the law firms from Perkins Coie, who continued last week before the Washington Federal Court, and Covington & Burling.




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