Sunita Williams: PM Modi called his daughter from India; But it is a Beti of Slovenia and us too

After visiting Postojnska Caves, a famous tourist place in Slovenia in 2014, astronaut Williams wrote an affectionate note on this subject in the book of their visitors, sign with the sentence, “very happy to be Slovian!” Curiosity pushed me to check the lists of “famous Slovenes” on the internet, and not surprisingly, Williams is not in most of them. The best known American of Slovenian origin, at least for the moment, is Melania Trump.
But Williams obtained birthday wishes last September in the space of President Slovenia Natasa Pirc Musar as well as a message `Welcome Back To Solid Ground '' this week. She visited Slovenia several times and even opened a museum that contains personal memories of NASA in the native village of her maternal great mother, Lese. His three visits to India are also well documented, including in his paternal native village of Jhulasan in Gujarat.
With the Samosas, copies of the Bhagavad Gita and Upanishads, an OM symbol and an idol from Ganesha, Williams also took carniolan sausages and a slope flag on his space missions and even ate Kaju Katli there for his birthday. Thus, it is obviously firmly rooted in the culture of the two countries, which avoids a classification or its Slovenian links may not generate the amount of response made by its Indian, given the relative size of the countries.
Regardless of what the Indians and Slovenes think, the Americans consider it an Ohioan born in the city of Euclid, which grew up in the suburbs of Boston of Needham, Massachusetts, which she considers her hometown, and now lives in Texas with her husband and two dogs. What is it? A buckeye? A Bay Stater? A naturalized Texan? The American media call him a “native of Needham” and this whole city watched her back from space on television.
In fact, one of its spatial flight combinations and many other NASA objects are exhibited in a school in Needham named the Sundita Williams primary school in 2019. Williams also frequently interacts with school students in the state and even told them about the space station about its significant weight loss. And she followed all the new sports in Massachusetts there. Thus, its connection of New England is clearly very deep and respectful. Her nationality is American, his ethnic is Eurasian (indo-Sownian) and culturally she joyfully embraces the three. But when Williams returned safely to Earth earlier this week, it must be said that Indian newspapers have shown greater enthusiasm than those of her own country, perhaps reflecting the interest it evokes in each place. Or maybe the coverage is affected by politics, since Williams returned to a spacecraft in SpaceX in Elon Musk. Indeed, the latter are often more durable too. The Indians believe that Williams is Indian as well as the Slovenes and the Americans feel that she is one of them, so her position as a daughter of the three countries should not be a question of discord. After all, from the point of view of his work, we are only children of the cosmos.
Sources 2/ https://m.economictimes.com/news/india/sunita-williams-pm-modi-called-her-daughter-of-india-but-shes-a-beti-of-slovenia-and-us-too/articleshow/119315376.cms The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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