Covid in Le Cornwall news on March 21, 2020
The days preceding the first cocovated national locking saw all the pubs, bars and restaurants ordered to close – while risk groups were invited to stay at home and practice social distancing.
In stores, the shelves were removed from items such as toilet rolls, meat, fruits and vegetables – not to mention the hand disinfectant that we bought en masse at the time. Supermarkets had to limit the quantity of products that could be sold because buyers have ignored the pleas not to store.
As the fifth anniversary of the first locking on March 23 approaches, Cornwalllive Revisit the stories that our journalists covered at the time. Of the propagation virus which has empowered through our borders, to the response of the conservative government under Boris JohnsonThe strangeness of the pandemic quickly became normal.
Find out more: Cornwall burglary hot spots and where the police fail to catch offenders
Find out more: Harris Memorial GP surgery removed special measures with a new CQC rating
From “locking” to “levels” to “eat outside to help”, the news coming daily have formed the backdrop to the new tragic of more than 232,000 deaths in a few years. Those who have dear beings who have died of covid and the virus complications will live with the memory of these moments and their sorrow forever.
Here's how Cornwalllive brought back the new cochetes on March 21, 2020.
Coronavirus Beer Giveaway is blamed while the police kept “ stupidly busy ''
Pubs offering free beer after the government has ordered their closure in the context of new measures that are difficult to fight COVID 19 were blamed for a “stupidly busy” night for the police Devon And Cornwall. Higher officers said that there were “advertising reports offering free beer, which led to groups of adolescents who are fighting and are generally a nuisance”.
He came then that Prime Minister Boris Johnson ordered the closure of the hotel and entertainment sectors NHS would be exceeded unless the COVVI-19 epidemic was not under control.
Coronavirus cases reach 83 in Devon and Cornwalls
Corona Virus The cases went to 83 in the Devon and the Cornwall. Cornwall Live also pointed out that four patients at Royal Cornwall Hospital In Truro had died last week after receiving a diagnosis of viruses.
The hospital said the four died patients were every 70 years and had underlying health problems.
He came when the NHS in England announced the COVID 19 The number of deaths had reached 233 – after 53 other people died in England after testing positive for the virus. As of March 21, there were 5,018 cases through the United Kingdom.
Teenagers warned against the coronavirus after the police found them share Bong in the street
Police warned adolescents to share drug -taking accessories after a group was found sharing a bang during the 19 -year crisis. St Austell Police issued the warning after the PCSO in the city were called to a group of young people who refused to leave when they were asked.
They were described as “anti -social” in a post on Facebook. Police found a bang on the scene and warned that if one of the groups had the virus, they were likely to have infected their friends.
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Cornwall leaders urge tourists to stay away to save lives
The leaders of Cornwall continued to urge tourists to stay far from the county to “save lives”. Cornish MP, Steve Doublesaid he had received information reporting from Cornwall to be flooded with tourists since travel bans in Spain, Italy and the United States.
SO-Conservative Mp for St Austell and Newquay said he had been contacted by many residents who were “concerned” by tourists traveling in their towns and villages.
He said: “I receive endless reports of people saying that the roads to Cornwall are full of people with cars full of suitcases and top-boxes, and people who come clear here. It is the greatest concern of people here in Cornwall at the moment, the number of people who seem to be heading.”
Cornwall Nhs Worker's mother trapped in Italy on a cruise ship
An NHS worker in Cornwall faced an anxious expectation for information on her 70 -year -old mother – who was stuck on a cruise ship in the Covid -19 coronavirus besieged Italy. The cruise ship, with more than 200 British passengers on board, has accosted in Genoa despite the number of deaths in the country exceeding 4,000 Corona Virus.
After leaving Argentina on March 3, the ship has made its way around South America and Canari Island and was supposed to land in Barcelona – but the port was closed due to strict Restrictions COVID -19.
Cornwall holiday parks and chalets to stay open
A number of vacation and chalet parks in Cornwall and Devon were exploded by public members after refusing to close their doors despite the current coronavirus pandemic. Some said they had closed bars, restaurants, other amenities and ceased all group activities and entertainment until further notice.
At the time, the government advised against all essential trips. This has left the customers and readers of Furious Cornwalllive – with concerns sharing that the elderly and vulnerable residents are exposed to a potential influx of viruses.
Cornwall must be the social distance say that the chiefs after four deaths by COVVI-19
The leaders of the Council reiterated the importance of social distancing after the first deaths of the coronavirus of Cornwall. Their call came after the death of four people who were tested positive for COVID-19 in Cornwall.
Julian German, chief of Cornwall Councilsaid: It is essential that we were united as a community and that we take care of each other – especially older residents and people with underlying health problems and that we followed governments on social distancing and avoiding non -essential travel. “”
Other big titles from Cornwalllive on March 21, 2020
– John Lewis announced that he would temporarily close the 50 of his stores in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic. He said it made the decision with a “heavy heart”, but customers could continue to buy online.
– Prime Minister Boris Johnson was to talk about the patterns of the supermarkets of efforts to circulate supplies and overcome the purchase of panic by entering the United Kingdom during the coronavirus pandemic.
– New guidelines to help doctors and nurses to know the best treatment of patients in the coronavirus pandemic have been published. The first three so -called rapid directives of the National Institute for Excellence of Health and Care (Nice) considered patients in intensive care, those who have renal dialysis and people treated for cancer.
– Tesco has become the last supermarket to announce its intention to recruit new employees to deal with overwhelming stores of the coronavirus epidemic. He said he would recruit 20,000 temporary workers for at least 12 weeks.
– After closing and canceled all performance due to the pandemic, the Royal Opera House has launched a new program allowing people to broadcast productions on their tablet or television. The free content included past productions of ACIS and Galatea and Cos Fan Tutte.
Countdown to lockdown: Covid in Cornwall's News on March 11, 2020
Countdown to lockdown: Covid in Cornwall's News on March 12, 2020
Countdown to lockdown: Covid in Cornwall's News on March 13, 2020
Compete account to locking: COVVID in the news of Cornwall on March 14, 2020
Compete account to locking: COVVID in Cornwall news on March 15, 2020
Compete account to locking: COVVID in Cornwall news on March 16, 2020
Countdown to lockdown: Covid in Cornwall's News on March 17, 2020
Countdown to lockdown: Covid in Cornwall's News on March 18, 2020
Compete account towards locking: COVVID in the news of Cornwall on March 19, 2020
Countdown to locking: COVVID in Cornwall news on March 20, 2020
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Sources 2/ https://uk.news.yahoo.com/countdown-lockdown-covid-cornwalls-news-060000201.html The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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