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It sounds strange, isn't it? Trump is thinking about avoiding the education department.

It sounds strange, isn't it? Trump is thinking about avoiding the education department.



It seemed that the president just needed a little reassurance.

He was in the east room of the White House, which was filled with nervous children, conservative activists, influencers and six republican governors, Florida, Texas, Virginia, Indiana, Ohio and Iowa. Everyone had come to see him sign a decree to empty the Department of Education, which conservatives have dreamed for decades. No other president had done it, not even the first time he was in office.

Now he was back, and there was order, sitting on a small desk at the front of this grandiose room, waiting to be signed.

All around his office, there were many other small offices, the genre you sit in primary school. Children of variable ages, dressed in school uniforms, sat down their legs under their office. They looked up at the approach of Mr. Trump's approach.

He turned to a little boy and said: Should I do this? The boy impatiently nodded. The president turned and looked at a young girl. Should I do it? He asked. She nodded too.

Encouraged, he sat down, took out his power and griffon pen. Governors and children and their parents broke out.

In a sense, the signature of the executive order on Thursday was on the brand for Mr. Trump. Whether published files related to John F. Kennedys Assassinat, by purging the board of directors of the Kennedy Center to name the head or cut the Department of Education, this president is proud to do what none of the others would dare to do.

But if not, this signature session was strange, as he had to admit. He did not have this fiery conviction which he usually brings to such business.

He kept emphasizing that what he was doing was not as radical as it could seem: it seems strange, isn't it? Department of Education. Were going to eliminate him.

In fact, only the congress can abolish an agency in the cabinet, but Mr. Trumps essentially orders the education service to develop a plan to close.

He insisted that everyone knows his right, and he reminded the room that when the department was created, by President Jimmy Carter in the same room in which Mr. Trump now destroyed him, many Americans have opposed the idea, even the famous Democratic Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan and the editorial committee of this newspaper.

Mr. Trump acknowledged that he put on his education secretary, Linda McMahon, out of a job, which was perhaps a little embarrassing. Were going to find something else to do, ok? He told her.

He often describes people who make up the federal workforce as part of a dark cabal that he is too happy to spray. Not the case in this case. They are good people, he said about the work services of 4,200 people from education, many of whom have effectively dismissed.

I just want to make a little personal statement, Trump said at some point. Teachers, he said, are among the most important people in the country and everyone should cherish them. At another time, he promised that money for the federal subsidy Pell was not going to disappear. Supposed to be a very good program, he said.

What was interesting about Mr. Trumps seeming ambivalence about this thing he was going to do is that everyone around him was so extremely ecstatic on this subject. The person who seemed to be the least excited by what was going on was the one who did this.

I never thought that Wed reforms a great education reform, and even less to dismantle the Ministry of Education, said Terry Schilling, a 38 -year -old father and activist in Burke, Virginia, a suburb of Washington. He was there with his wife and six of their seven children. It's a beautiful day, he said, bouncing a little boy named Tucker on his shoulder, and I'm so happy to be here.

There were activists in the room like Chaya Raichik, the creator of the influential Libs of the Tiktok account, and Tiffany Justice, co-founder of Moms for Liberty, a group of rights of parents who worked hard to help elect Mr. Trump. It was exactly how they hoped that Trump restoration could take place.

You had many republican presidents promised him, observed Penny Nance, the president of the women concerned for America. Trump did not tear the tearing the department of education the last time he was president.

What has changed?

He was four years old to think about it and plan, said Ms. Nance. We all did, frankly.




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