Officials felt obliged to give special treatment to EPI providers with conservatives connected – relief time

Private correspondence reveals that officials felt threatened by companies benefiting from “skyscrapers” by conservative ministers

Boris Johnson. Image: Andrew Parsons / No 10 Downing Street
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The civil servants felt in a hurry to give “special treatment” to the suppliers of PPE having political links with conservative ministers, revealed the correspondence published by the cocovio survey.
The survey heard this week an official responsible for obtaining EPIs from suppliers who were referred to the illegal VIP route during the pandemic.
THE witness And the evidence that accompanies it provided by Dawn Matthias-Jackson depict an overwhelming table of the political interference inherent at the time.
While the then conservative government rushed to reconstruct the stocks of masks, gloves and dresses during the first months of the pandemic in 2020, they created a system that actually accelerated the offers of companies that had links with the party. These contracts were inflated at least 925 millionWith VIP Lane, suppliers paid 80% more per unit than other suppliers.
In an email sent in May 2020, Mathias-Jackson suggests that a member of the public should submit a request for freedom of information (faith) to determine how many VIP Lane suppliers had festive connections, declaring that, in his opinion, it would be on the high side according to what I saw.
It was in response to another civil servant describing the situation like, Certainly one thing for friends … Lots of skyscrapers! »»

There were also many attractive emails where civil servants expressed concerns about political pressure and the risk of climbing for ministers if they did not respond quickly to VIP suppliers.
The e-mails published by the survey found:

- Civil servants felt Totally submerged By the number of VIP cases which continued to enter and despite work up to 15 hours a day, he could not follow the volume of emails.
- According to managers, VIP suppliers thought they are too important to respond to an investigation That all other potential PPE suppliers outside the VIP route had to finish. Instead, they chose to use links to ministers or the Hancock lobby or Gove and officials have become nervous of the noise that these suppliers could make if they were not contacted within 24 hours.

Preferential treatment and threatening behavior of VIP suppliers
The evidence provided by Matthias-Jackson reveal that she was concerned about the unfair behavior of an EPI supplier named Andrew Morris who claimed to have close ties with the former Minister of the Conservative Party Robert Jenrick.
In his statement to the investigation, Matthias-Jackson said: I was concerned about Mr. Morris because his persistence was extreme and he threatened to tell me to Mr. Jenrick when he met him later in the evening in a telephone. I thought his behavior was unfair.
It is not known if Morris obtained an EPI contract from the Health and Social Care Department.

Matthias-Jackson He also claimed to have asked those responsible to prioritize certain VIP suppliers where she received pressure and considered the possible suppliers who had access to the high priority route received special treatment because of the speed in which their offers were examined compared to the thousands of other suppliers tracked in the purchasing channels accessible to the public.
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Sources 2/ https://bylinetimes.com/2025/03/21/covid-inquiry-vip-fast-lane/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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