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PMS 38 trips abroad since 2022 costs 259 crore, Govt tells at home | Latest news from India

PMS 38 trips abroad since 2022 costs 259 crore, Govt tells at home | Latest news from India



The Prime Minister of New Delhi Narendra Modis 38 trips abroad between May 2022 and December 2024 for bilateral meetings and multilateral events cost a total of almost 259 crores, according to figures provided by the government in Parliament on Thursday.

The expenses were largely below five accommodation managers, at location, security, transport and various expenses. (Ani photo)
The expenses were largely below five accommodation managers, at location, security, transport and various expenses. (Ani photo)

Expenses were largely lower than the accommodation of five chiefs, location, security, transport and various expenses with housing, a total of 104 crores, representing a little less than half of the total total. This was followed by various expenses ( 75.7 crores) and transport ( 71.1 crore).

The figures were provided by the Minister of State for External Affairs Pabitra Margherita in a written answer to a question from the senior leader of the Mallikarjun Kharge congress in Rajya Sabha. The answer said that the figures included the expenses of official delegations, support, security and media.

In terms of individual countries, the highest expenses were traveling in the United States ( 38.2 crore), followed by Japan ( 33 crore), Germany ( 23.9 crore), Russia ( 16,1 crore), France ( 15.7 crore), Italy ( 14.4 crores) and the water ( 12.7 crores).

During the three -year period, the highest expenses for an individual trip were 22.89 crore spent on a visit to the United States in June 2023, while the lowest expenses of an individual trip were 80.01 Lakh spent on a visit to Nepal in May 2022.

While the Prime Minister made a total of 38 trips, he visited 34 countries (because he made more than one visit to certain countries). He visited eight countries in 2022, 10 in 2023 and 16 in 2024.

There were 10 visits in 2022, and the average cost per visit for the year was 5.6 Core. There were 11 visits in 2023 and the average cost per visit for the year was 8.5 crore. The number of visits abroad in 2024 has increased to 17 and the average cost per visit for the year was 6.4 crores.

For reference purposes, Margheritas' response provided spending on certain foreign visits to the Prime Minister undertaken during the mandate of former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. These include 10.74 crores visited the United States in 2011, 9.95 crores for a visit to Russia in 2013, 8.33 crores for a visit to France in 2011, and 6.02 crores for a visit to Germany in 2013.

These figures show real expenses without adapting to inflation or currency fluctuations, depending on the answer.

Among the countries visited by the Prime Minister in 2022 were Germany, Denmark, France, Nepal, Japan, the United Arab Emirates (Water), Uzbekistan and Indonesia.

In 2023, the Prime Minister visited Papua New Guinea, Australia, Japan, the United States, Egypt, France, the United Arab Emirates, South Africa, Greece and Indonesia. In 2024, the Prime Minister went to the water, Qatar, Bhutan, Italy, Austria, Russia, Poland, Ukraine, Brunei Darustam, the United States, Singapore, Laos, Nigeria, Brazil, Guyana and Kassage.

The Prime Minister travels abroad on a special plane designated Air India, which is operated by a special Indian Air Force squadron using two Boeing 777-300ers acquired in 2016. The Prime Minister is generally accompanied by senior officials of the Prime Ministers Protection Office and several ministries, including the Ministry of External Affairs, and a detachment of the special group's security.




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