Trump's push to close the education department has a mathematical problem at Congress

President Donald Trump signed an executive decree on Wednesday which calls for the closure of the Ministry of Education, which prompted the mixed reactions of the members of the Congress. The split screen underlines the legislative obstacles to come while Trump tries to make his campaign promise. Trump needs the approval of the congress to fully dismantle the Department of Education. He would almost certainly need 60 votes in the Senate to overcome a procedural obstacle. This means that the republican majority needs at least seven democrats to get on board, but so far, the Democrats of the Senate have responded with a rapid reaction. “Trying to dismantle the Ministry of Education is one of the most destructive and most devastating stages that Donald Trump has ever taken,” said Senate's minority, Chuck Schumer, formerly Twitter on Wednesday. Senator Maggie Hassan, D-New Hampshire, who sits on the committee which supervises the education policy, said in a statement: “The decision of the presidents today to dismantle the Ministry of Education will harm our children and leave them less prepared for the future, just at a time when America should work through the lines of the parties to strengthen our schools, our families and our teachers.” Push's Push has obtained the support of key republicans such as Senator Bill Cassidy, R-Louisiana, who chairs the Senate Committee for Health, Education, Labor and Pensions. “I agree with President Trump that the Ministry of Education failed his mission,” said Cassidy. “Since the ministry can only be closed with the approval of the congress, I will support the objectives of the presidents by submitting legislation to achieve it as soon as possible.” Before Thursday's order, the Trump administration had already reduced approximately half of Agencys staff thanks to buyout offers or layoffs. However, the White House says that it will maintain the “main necessities” of the Department of Education such as the financing of low -income schools, disabled students and Pell's subsidies. Education secretary Linda McMahon told journalists on Thursday evening that she plans to move other key functions, such as the implementation of civil rights, elsewhere in the federal government. “Well, the executive decree certainly did not specify what is happening with any of the education departments, we therefore examine where the best departments could be located,” said McMahon. “The Ministry of Justice already has a civil rights office. I think there is an opportunity to discuss with the prosecutor general of Bondi to locate some of our civil rights work there.” As McMahon considers the next steps, the opponents promise to retaliate before the Court, including an eminent teacher union. “Seeing yourself in court,” said Randi Weingartenten, president of the American teachers' federation.
Washington –
President Donald Trump signed an executive decree on Wednesday which calls for the closure of the Ministry of Education, which caused mixed reactions of the members of the Congress.
The split screen underlines the legislative obstacles to come while Trump tries to make his campaign promise.
Trump needs the approval of the congress to fully dismantle the Department of Education. He would almost certainly need 60 votes in the Senate to overcome a procedural obstacle. This means that the republican majority needs at least seven democrats to get on board.
But so far, the Senate Democrats have responded with Swift Backlash.
“Trying to dismantle the Ministry of Education is one of the most destructive and most devastating stages that Donald Trump has ever taken,” said Senate's minority, Chuck Schumer, formerly Twitter on Wednesday.
Senator Maggie Hassan, D-New Hampshire, who sits on the committee which supervises the education policy, said in a statement: “The decision of the presidents today to dismantle the Ministry of Education will harm our children and leave them less prepared for the future, just at a time when America should work through the lines of the parties to strengthen our schools, our families and our teachers.”
Push's Push has obtained the support of key republicans such as Senator Bill Cassidy, R-Louisiana, who chairs the Senate Committee for Health, Education, Labor and Pensions.
“I agree with President Trump that the Ministry of Education failed his mission,” said Cassidy. “Since the ministry can only be closed with the approval of the congress, I will support the objectives of the presidents by submitting legislation to achieve it as soon as possible.”
Before Thursday's order, the Trump administration had already reduced approximately half of Agencys staff thanks to buyout offers or layoffs.
However, the White House claims that it will maintain the “main necessities” of the Department of Education such as the financing of low -income schools, students with disabilities and Pell subsidies.
Educational Secretary Linda McMahon told journalists on Thursday evening that she was planning to move other key functions, such as the application of civil rights, elsewhere in the federal government.
“Well, the executive decree certainly did not specify what is happening with any of the education departments, we therefore examine where the best departments could be located,” said McMahon. “The Ministry of Justice already has a civil rights office. I think it is possible to discuss with the prosecutor general of Bondi to locate some of our civil rights work there.”
While McMahon considers the next steps, the opponents promise to retaliate in court, including an eminent teachers' union.
“Go to court,” said Randi Weingarten, president of the American teachers' federation.
Sources 2/ https://www.wbaltv.com/article/trump-push-to-close-education-department-has-a-math-problem-in-congress/64251310 The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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