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While powerful law firms turn around for Trump, a lawyer has enough – Mother Jones

While powerful law firms turn around for Trump, a lawyer has enough – Mother Jones



AP photo / Ben Curtis

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In the heels of the executive order of Donald Trump targeting several best law firms concerning the links with the enemies and decisions perceived of the president to which he opposed, Trump announced Thursday that he had concluded an agreement to abandon his attack on one of the firms, Paul, Weiss. The agreement, according to a social article of truth, will inform Trump's threat to suspend the security authorizations of the company's lawyers in exchange for Paul, Weiss to devote $ 40 million to pro-Bono services throughout his mandate.

The agreement was largely considered as an act of capitulation remarkable by one of the country's most powerful law firms. And now, a partner at Skadden Arps, another large company, is expressed.

In an e-mail across the online company, Rachel Cohen, a third-year financial partner, condemned her employers for not having denounced the efforts of reprisals from the Trump administration. Cohen said that his letter should be considered a resignation unless a significant action has emerged.

“This is not what I saw for my career or for my evening, but Paul Weiss' decision to defeat the Trump administration on Dei, the representation and the endowment in allocation forced my hand,” she wrote. “We don't have time. It is neither now or never, and if it is never, I will not continue to work here. ”

Although she seems to be the most frank, Cohen is not alone in her anxiety. Earlier this week, more than 300 lawyers joined Cohen's open letter to the so-called large law firms who encouraged their employers to defend the profession against attacks by the Trump administration.

We call our employers, large American law firms, to defend their colleagues and the legal profession by condemning this rapid purge of partisan actors, a group which seems synonymous with those who think that the president has done him wrong, says the letter.

Trump's decree is part of a long revenge campaign against people who have happened on the bad side of the president. As our staff recently reported:

The last 10 years that Donald Trump has spent herself in the presidency had an organizational principle: they ruined America, and we must take it back. The Theys were a varied group: immigrants, denunciators, trans people, journalists, democrats, civil servants, independent minds. But the Trumps option to cope with resistance was the same: non -cooked reprisals, often trampling on the standards of a legal and political system trying to thwart its anti -democratic catches.

From this morning, Cohen does not seem to have access to his business messaging account.




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