Donald Trump asked his son Barron “How did you do this?” When he turned a laptop
Barron Trump studies business, interested in politics and has an “incredible aptitude in technology”, according to President Donald Trump, who shared that he was impressed to learn that his son Gen Z knew how to shoot a laptop.
The president sat with Laura Ingraham de Fox News for a major interview on everything, from his sleep habits to his negotiations with China. And of course, they approached Donald's youngest son, Barron, who was 19 years old on Thursday, March 20, when the interview was broadcast.
If you look at my children, all my children, they were very good, they were very intelligent, Donald was amazed, noting that they each attended prestigious and hard -working schools. They love our country and they are proud of their father.
When asked what Barron's natural talent stands out for Donald, the president praised his son's technological know-how.
I turn off his laptop, I said, “Oh well”, and I go back five minutes later, he has his laptop. I said, “How did you do this?” “He remembers.” “None of your things, dad.” “”
“He had incredible aptitude in technology,” added the president.
After graduating from the Oxbridge Academy in West Palm Beach, Florida, last spring, Barron signed up at New York University, where he studied at the Stern School of Business.
The only child of the president and his third wife, Melania Trump, Barron was largely hidden from the spotlight before finishing his secondary studies in May 2024. Although he remains less visible than his older half-brothers, those of the orbit of the Trump family had more opportunities to know the first son in the middle of his father's political return.
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Barron focuses on his studies and does not seem terribly out of words, a source recently explained to people the presence of the student on the campus. He seems to have a buttoned collar mentality when he is in the eyes of the public. “”
Donald and Barron Trump in January 2024.
Giorgio Viera / AFP via Getty Images
While the first son broke the tradition by not participating in the University of Pennsylvania or Georgetown as his father or other members of his famous family, he may feel the most comfortable in New York, after spending a large part of his beginnings at Trump Tower in Midtown Manhattan.
Once he will come out in the world and his brand, people will have a better idea from whom he is really, a political source of Miami noted before his 19th birthday. Now his parents have a great influence on him.
Part of this influence comes from his mother and her maternal grandparents, Viktor and Amalija Knavs, who helped to raise Barron with their own European values. A social source told people that Barron is “an old intelligent soul, well spoken and well read”.
He has had experiences that other people are not, “continued the source. He is well founded, he saw a lot and he knows who he is.”
President Donald Trump, Melania Trump and Barron Trump smile during an electoral evening event at the Palm Beach Convention Center on November 6, 2024.
Joe Raedle / Getty
Another political source added that if it is possible that Barron is finally interested in following his father in politics, for the moment, he “is impatient to train his own businesses and earn money.
He shares this enthusiasm with his father, which is not surprising, “says this source.” Barron, in my opinion, knows what he wants. “”
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