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Potential developments to come concerning the lifting of Caatsa

Potential developments to come concerning the lifting of Caatsa


After four years of unsuccessful efforts to raise Caatsa sanctions thanks to various creative proposals to the Biden Turkey administration, now moves its strategy to Donald Trump, emphasizing the potential economic and national security benefits for the United States.

Only a few days after the telephone call between Trump and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, reports began to circulate in Washington that the officials explored the legal and political avenues to make it possible, if the president decides, to raise the sanctions imposed on Turkey for its acquisition of Russian S-400 systems. According to the same sources, an option considered is the elimination of certain parts of the systems that make them effectively non -operational.

Kathimerini can confirm the following key facts: everyone in the United States government does not support the sanctions, a decision that will open the way to developments concerning the F-35. Any final decision will have to take into account the strong objections of Israel, as well as the concerns of Greece concerning the potential loss of its qualitative air advantage. For the moment, the American president has not made any final decision and, according to some sources, he asked for the verification of the claims and arguments of Erdogans.

If President Trump, for any reason whatsoever, decided to exercise a political will to solve the problem of sanctions, the process would be relatively simple. Under Caatsa, the American president has the power to renounce, terminate or impose additional sanctions, in specific circumstances related to the national security of the United States. The only requirement for such a decision is the submission of an information report to the Congress's concerned committees, describing the justification for the decision. Above all, this report only serves as notification and does not grant the power to challenge, oppose or modify the presidents.

If progress is made towards the lifting of sanctions, it is largely planned that discussions on the primary objective of the F-35 sales ankaras will also increase. However, this process is much more complex because it requires the approval of the room and the committees of foreign relations and foreign affairs of the Senate. While the dynamics of the congress, the power balances and the key figures have changed and the current priorities of the presidents are often confronted with little resistance, skepticism towards Turkey remains strong. This was obvious during a recent audience of the Chamber, where legislators expressed serious concerns concerning the behavior of turkeys and strategic alignment.

Friday, the White House had not published an official declaration or disclosed information on the issue. This silence marks a gap compared to the usual administrations to publicly attack the main problems and to maintain a constant flow of information. This lack of updates has fueled speculation, triggering frustration and increased mobilization among influential groups, including the Jewish lobby and the big, but powerful without jets for the turkey coalition.




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