PDIP was forced to submit to Jokowi?

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PDIP through Puan Maharani and Joko Widodo (Jokowi) seemed to show a good relationship after meeting the Nasdem Party Ramadan yesterday (21/3). Elite PDIP intrigues like Deddy Sitorus, with Jokowi previously as if it was like a drama only when it is reflected on the PDIP maneuver which was to be a balance of the government but was rather behaving the opposite. So where is exactly the management of PDIP policy? The pdip will finally indirectly indirect Jokowi?
When the PDIP did not meet the expectations at least to the resistance to the TNI bill and rather supported it, an analysis appeared that the intrigue with Joko Widodo (Jokowi) seems to be only the drama of the scene or rather implies the substitute of the Taureau party by the 7th President of the Republic of Indonesia.
The warm interaction of Puan Maharani and Jokowi on the agenda of the Ramadan Nasdem party also seemed to negotiate the atmosphere of the tension that existed.
There are many other probabilities of PDIP maneuvers which, although different from Jokowi as well as rivals in electoral challenge in 2024 and not part of the current government, as if All trips Supports the presidential administration Prabowo SUBIANTO.
In addition, in the middle of the PDIP luck, he could have seized sympathy if it was in harmony with the disappointment of certain people towards the government lately and advocated it in Parliament.
Interestingly, only the figure of Deddy Sitorus and a few elites which appeared as a representation of PDIP when it has always ignited the resistant narrative of the figure of Jokowi, a figure which was considered to have an influence in the Prabowo-Gibran government.
So why does PDIP behave like this? Is the resistance to Jokowi only a certain faction in the internal PDIP? What is the goal?
PDIP while joining political strains?
What do you do with internal political parties? Do you affect daily life?. Suchly skeptical questions cannot be refused to exist to answer the interpretation of PDIP attitudes.
However, PDIP is a political party, the only instrument of representatives of people who helped determine government policies for people in all areas.
Unfortunately, principle Check and balace In democracy, it seems more and more relevant when political parties become very pragmatic. The critical position as the balance of less pro-person policies does not seem in demand.
The release of idealism and becoming a team from Hourra, but still gets a small part of the power cake is considered more logical to do. Especially by reflecting on the power of the political law mentioned by Mahfud MD, doing political parties could prefer to find security.
PDIP is not impossible to be in a dilemma or rather affirm the postulate which is conceptually called positive.
Also with a critical calculation of perspective of voters who may not work or can be the construction so as not to forget PDIP's sin, despite a position with folk disorders.
Not to mention the reality of having to face the figure of Jokowi which could only have been carried out by PDIP that the old framework has a rather negotiation and a political power.
However, it is quite difficult to see PDIP and immediately adopted in the Prabowo-Gibran government and to obtain a siege of power after its attitude in several political speeches. Being in safety is enough for this temporary PDIP.
The reason is that with non-problematic relationships on the surface which are trying to be kept by Puan Maharani, the dismissal of Jokowi and the vice-president Gibran Rakabuming Raka of the party membership is statement Which is quite difficult.
Even if as a legendary party, Pdip would have done so for the honor of the organization, the declaration positioning Clear policy may still be necessary by PDIP so that the possibility of error does not occur.
This is linked to the way in which the PDIP base is known to translate the attitudes of parties towards militancy on the ground compared to the next electoral cycle. Losing the sympathy of roots and sympathizers is certainly not a pleasant scenario for Megawati Soekarnoputri.
Then, what variables would make PDIP have a clearer political attitude in the future?

The key is Ms. Maharani?
Unlike Deddy Sitorus, Puan Maharani seemed to be more moderate to Jokowi. In fact, he seemed very tried to reduce tensions.
Either Deddy was deliberately Disenariokan to become a PDIP antagonist towards Jokowi and Puan to be the protagonist and his antithesis to achieve sympathy and the positive image welcoming the position of the general president, which is clearly the attitude of Princess Couronne Megawati would indeed determine.
In addition, there is no other charismatic character from Megawati's successor at the top of the PDIP chief when he thinks of another opportunity for the crown prince of Prananda Prabowo who still seemed to be behind Puan.
If this is the case, PDIP would only wait until the time to join the government coalition of Prabowo-Gibran and to bring the relationship with Jokowi even if it was not in a formal relationship of a row of political parties again only before.
In the end, the expectations if PDIP joins the government is not impossible to decide on the hopes of the people for the ideal conditions Check and balance In Indonesian democracy. Hopefully this does not become an ideal hope for certain circles, whatever the consequences and calculations politically. (J61)
Sources 2/ https://www.pinterpolitik.com/in-depth/pdip-terpaksa-tunduk-kepada-jokowi/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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